Chapter 13: It's a Gift... And A Curse

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Naruto, dressed in his usual street clothes of a dark-blue button-up shirt and a pair of black slacks and shoes, walked around the floor under the one his office/living quarterssituated on to check on his guests. Being filthy stinking rich due to the fact that the world was filled with perverts and had been for at least the last few hundred years or sohad been able to furnish the rooms that his inexhaustible work force of Kage Bunshin had set up extremely quickly after his purchase of the building.Omaeda complained about the room Naruto provided him despite the fact that it was completely posh. Naruto's clones decided to be overachievers when they turned the placand there was absolutely nothing to complain about. Each room was fucking awesome and Naruto knew it because his clones knew it. So he threatened to clobber the large funtil he ran into the room and stifled about his lodgings.Nemu wordlessly settled into her own room, she didn't show an opinion one way or the other. She simply said she would be speaking to him later and left it at that. Weird girl.but very weird.Soi-Fon found her room to be more than adequate and told Naruto as much. Each room was more along the lines of a suite, similar to his apartment that he had in his youth.course after hearing that, Naruto offered her a stay in his room for her time there... and she had punched him in the stomach again... and nothing happened, thus pissing her ofurther. She hated wearing a Gigai as much as Yoruichi did for pretty much the same reasons, for a different purpose of course."Wake up call!" Naruto yelled as he walked through the hall, "Breakfast is in thirty minutes. If you are not there then I will eat your food and leave the empty plate in front ofto taunt you!"Soi-Fon's door opened to reveal her in her Gigai, fully dressed, "There's no reason to be so loud Uzumaki. I'm awake. I was up hours ago.""Couldn't sleep?" He asked with a grin on his face, "You could always have come to my room Jooubachi if you were bored and wanted company." Soi-Fon's fist found its way istomach and the grin never dropped from Naruto's face, "You'd think by now that you'd know you can't hurt me in that thing."Soi-Fon huffed and began following him down the hall as they went towards the rooms that the others had taken since she was already up and might as well find something tthis point, "So how is your 'squad' supposedly coming along? This place seems very empty to me for what is supposedly supposed to be squad barracks and headquarters."Naruto looked at the smaller woman in amusement, "I am building this thing from scratch with no system for filtering and getting recruits the way you guys get. There's no Acfor me." He smirked at her, "And that's why whoever I do end up with will be stronger than basically anyone in any of your squads in the Seireitei."Soi-Fon narrowed her eyes at him, "Are you implying that we're weak?""Nope." Naruto quickly said, trying to keep Soi-Fon from actually being upset at him. There was a difference between the love taps he had been getting since their first fightactual angry Soi-Fon after him, "I'm just saying. I'm not getting any raw recruits the way you guys get. Everyone I've gotten so far can fight, no need to waste time training'Well, except for maybe Hidan, but he seems to be getting things fairly quickly.' "And we're right in the center of the fire so to speak. Anyone that joins me is going to be aweYoruichi-chan works for me, that should tell you all you need to know."Soi-Fon blinked in shock before going over his last statement, "Yoruichi-sama works for you." She said as if it were some foreign concept, "But she was a captain! She led theOnmitsukidou! How can she work for you, and why didn't she come back to the Soul Society?"Naruto shrugged, "Because she said there was no way in hell she was coming back just so that she could start all the way from the bottom again." He scratched his head whFon gaped at him, "It sounds reasonable enough to me. Apparently I'm more fun than the Seireitei too." 'Damn right I am, especially now.' He thought to himself, but kept thaSoi-Fon lest she attempt to kill him for it."So she won't be coming back again..." Soi-Fon sounded rather dejected at that thought until Naruto flicked her forehead, "Ow! Uzumaki give me one reason not to kill you rigShe threatened, holding her head and glaring at him.Naruto pulled his hand back from his flick with a frown on his face, "I have free reign to travel the realm Jooubachi, and so does my squad if they can find some way to do there are three of us that can do it. I can go from here to Hueco Mundo, and from Hueco Mundo to the Seireitei, but can't go from here to the Seireitei or vice-versa. Hthat too."Soi-Fon nodded, "Well that's because Hueco Mundo lies between the world of the living and the Soul Society. You need a path through the precipice world to get straight fromthere. But you're saying that Yoruichi-sama-.""Yes, she can go wherever she wants whenever she wants due to her position on my squad." Naruto said, explaining one of the perks allowed by his group, "She's my numberanyway. I kind of need her if I'm ever going to pull this off. If you miss Yoruichi-chan a lot just tell her you want to see her more, or you could come here. I don't care we'vedozens of rooms, you can stay whenever you want."They went down to the first floor where there was a kitchen for everyone and tables for plenty of people in case Naruto ever managed to get the place filled. Sitting at one otables was Hidan, hunched over a bowl of cereal.Naruto shook his head as he walked up to the Arrancar who was shielding his bowl like he was in prison, "I told you breakfast would be done soon, you saw the clone go intokitchen and start cooking. Why'd you get cereal?" Naruto then frowned at the type of cereal he was eating, "Why'd you get that kind of cereal? Come on Hidan, the place isand you picked that to eat?"Hidan grunted unintelligibly and continued to eat, taking another spoonful and crunching loudly as Naruto sat down at the table. Soi-Fon walked over and took a long hard loosilver-haired man systematically destroying a bowl of cornflakes and milk with a scowl on his face. He was a rather young looking man, not looking that much older than Narutoutward appearance, maybe around twenty for humans, and had a rather angry looking appearance that probably didn't get much happier than what she was seeing now. Heblack short sleeved shirt with a bunch of obscenities in kanji emblazoned on it, and black pants with white shoes. For some reason he had a strange cylinder thing around hissome form of a pendant or something"So this is the first actual recruit of your team." Soi-Fon said as she sat down next to Naruto across from Hidan and stared at him, getting him to glare back at him as he conchew his food, "I don't know he doesn't seem that special."Naruto let out a laugh and even Hidan let off an amused scoff at Soi-Fon's insinuation. Naruto patted Hidan on the shoulder, annoying his former enemy, "Hidan is very speciasweet Jooubachi. I know what I'm doing when I recruit, and Hidan's the man." He thumped him on the shoulder, "This is him in a Gigai too. The good kind, the kind where yousense his Reiatsu, otherwise you wouldn't be saying that.

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