، |Chased.| ،

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. ˚◞♡ ⃗ Summary: Despite all the curiosity around the strange coincidences, you dared not question it. Especially when you were being chased. You better hope he doesn't catch you. Then again, what would happen he did catch you?


(CW: hints at slight possessive behavior, hints at jealousy, slight degrading, tiny-winsy choking, and of course, the smut which is a first time for me, so cw for both smut and bad writing LOL)

(The reader is gender neutral, so no "specific" parts are going to be mentioned, so enjoy taking it from behind!1!)

Welp, with that outta the way, Karl apologists... here's ur meal. I apologize in advance......

Word count: 6597 (Oh my god.)

The term coincidence was always a word you used jokingly around your old peers. Two or more events that draws your attention, and you start thinking of patterns. Sometimes, these coincidences are more or less the cause of overthinking, and more or less, it's harmless.

But a coincidence isn't always two events, it could be a one time thing that could put you on edge:

All due to a simple interaction with a particular single individual with a crow as his acquaintance.

When you arrived in the abandoned steampunk themed city, you noticed that those around you when encourage you to fight either amongst their side, or against them to declare a "winner."

You noticed how both advanced and powerful these individuals were, each having special talents they used to fight against one another. Whether it be with simple elements such as water, mechanics, or even advanced fighting skills and fast thinking. You were targeted mainly because you looked average.

You didn't have powers, nor were you a mythical being with special unknown abilities. You had some forms of talent, but they couldn't be used for fighting. You knew you were going to be targeted, you were below average, fighting wise of course, in comparison to them. Especially because you had no idea until about a couple of fights you would gaze at from time to time, and even accidentally get involved in, that this was a tournament. You always hid in the abandoned old-timed houses and buildings, lingering with dust and cobwebs as a way to not involve yourself in a life or death situation.

As much as you enjoyed your alone time, sometimes you wished that you had a companion to at least talk to, and if you were lucky, to become allies with.

At the most, you just wanted someone to at least talk to you without any hints at wanting to battle the next day.

And to your luck, you managed to find what you were hoping for:

Or rather, he found you.

As you woke up, you noticed the silhouette of a taller man who seemed to notice your presence almost instantly as soon as you woke up. He was by your left hand side, a fair distance apart from where you had slept. He held out his left hand to act as a standing ground for what seemed to be a black crow of some sort, with those intimidating red eyes, you were almost certain it wasn't even a real bird.

He almost instantly struck up a conversation with you, holding out his hand for you to both shake it, and to lift you from the kneeling position you were in. You took his hand despite this odd extroverted personality he was displaying to you. He was quite polite with you, but you learned pretty quickly based on others you interacted with that it was best to keep your guard up. Especially since this was a tournament after all.

He was quite talkative, introducing himself as Karl, and his bird companion, Arma. As kind as he was being too you, it felt off putting.

He was acting as though he had known you for quite awhile, he was to kind with you:

Karl x Reader Oneshots (And HCs?)Where stories live. Discover now