Chapter One: That's One Way to Make a Friend

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August 1961, 15 Monday

'Where the hell are the dorm rooms?!' Henry asked himself as he examined the school map he had. Despite searching for a few minutes, he could not locate the boy's dorm rooms. He was getting more frustrated as time went on but then he heard a voice behind him say, "Are you lost?". Turning around, Henry saw a woman, she had been staring at him for the past few minutes, and decided to see if he need help. Her appearance suggested she was in her mid-20s, slightly older than him.

"Yeah, I do actually" Response Henry, "Where are you trying to go?" "The boy's dorm rooms". "oh that's not far from here, it's near the Library, you can go there by taking the bus", Henry looked at her more confused, "Where's the Library?". Then she looked at him very confused, but then she realized, "You're new to this school aren't you?" "Yeah, I am" "Oh, I'm sorry I must have confused you more, here let me see the map so I can point it out for you". Henry handed her the map he had, she examined the map and then gave it back after a few seconds. "So it's right here". She pointed at it, "So like I said you can use the bus that's up the street, just pay the bus fees" "Oh okay, thank you for your help" "Yeah, no problem have a good day". And with that, she left. Once she was gone, Henry felt so dumb, he had been looking at the map for a good five minutes, and it only took her a few seconds to find it.

Henry walked to the bus stop, it was about a 4 minutes walk. When he got to the bus station he went to pay the bus fee, it came out to be 15 cents. Once he got his ticket he made his way to the bus stop. Henry waited with a few other people. He stood there awkwardly, while he did, he took a good look at the people that were standing, one was a woman holding her son's hand, and two boys. One of the boys got Henry's attention, 'He looks like a faggot' he said to himself in disgust. The boy had on a light blueish color button-up shirt with dark blue-colored shorts.

Henry was getting tired of standing, he was holding his luggage bag, which was heavy. He wanted to take a seat but the bench was occupied by some homeless guy, the guy was sleeping. Henry didn't want to bother the man so decided to suck it up for the time being. As he waited for his bus he kept looking at his watch which he had made, he always liked showing it off to other people, it was one of the first things he ever made. The time was 4:30, it's getting late.

As time went on Henry started to think about home. This is his first time being away from home and just the thought of not being able to see his mom or dad as often made him feel a bit sad. He loved both his parents very much, they raised him with love, care, and with god. But one person he won't miss is his brother, Ethan. Henry and Ethan didn't have the best relationship, they were always trying to best the other. But Henry knows he is the best after their parents found out that Ethan was sleeping with a girl from school and he got her pregnant. It was bad because they weren't married, their parents were very furious with Ethan and made him marry her because you can't have a kid with someone and not be married to that person.

Henry was brought back to reality when he heard the bus coming. When the bus pulled up he got in line behind the guy who looks like a faggot, as the line was moving, he took out the bus pass that he was given. As Henry got on, he gave it to the driver and then took a seat. He sat down in the middle of the bus. The bus was pretty much empty which was a good thing. After everyone sat down the bus took off. Henry looked out the window, he started thinking about his roommate. Henry wonders what he would be like, would he be nice? Or maybe he would be shy? Or worse he's mean to people and is a loud person? That would be a nightmare for him.

Henry noticed that his stop was about to come up, so he got his things ready. He saw there were a good amount people waiting to get on. Once the bus stopped at the stop, Henry got up and walked out of the bus. He noticed another homeless man sitting on the floor next to the bus stop bench with a sign next to his foot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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