Rovers have a lot of different abilities which they are capable of doing all of these things because of the molecules that make up their techno-organic cells (called bionites) which are capable of turning into microscopic machines know as nanites which they can manipulate at will.
But it's mostly because of a very powerful energy native to their planet as well as different parts of the universe which is what powers the core of their planet and what gives them life which they call surge which can turn into all states of matter (solid liquid gas) but only on their planet in the rest of the universe it takes the form of plasma or energy which sometimes looks like a star.
And because of their nanites and surge energy they are capable of doing all sorts of stuff.
They have a very high IQ that comes from their two brains which allows them to think of two different things at the same time at high speeds.Disease/viruses poison immunity:
Because of their techno-organic physiology they are immune to all organic diseases toxins and any mechanical viruses (or anything that can damage a machine internally not physically).Shape shifting:
Because they can manipulate the organic and the mechanical aspect of their bodies, they are capable of morphing into all kinds of different shapes like increasing or decreasing their size making more limbs stretching their limbs making different kinds of weapons from their bodies the only limit being their imagination.Energy absorption and release:
In the middle of their cells is a hexagon shaped panel which allows them to absorb nearly all kinds of energy and when combined with their shapeshifting ability they can even absorb/extract data from computers not only can they absorb energy they can also expel beams from different parts of their bodies mostly their hands and feet.Durability:
The metal that makes up their bodies is incredibly strong because of this it lets them be able to take on any kind of damage blunt and sharp piercing damage as well as intense heat and cold.Regeneration:
In case their skin is pierced, or bodies are damaged they are able to heal at an incredible fast rate which can let them reattach severed limbs even survive exploding into pieces as well as regrowing fully destroyed body parts it can also depend on how much energy they absorb and if they have enough energy, they can even regenerate their entire bodies from a single nanite.Strength:
They have an incredible level of strength they are capable of lifting up to 250,000 tons when at their max limit, but they are capable of getting even stronger when they activate their shape shifting ability or absorb enough energy, but the average Rover can only lift up to 900 tons.Flight:
Rovers are capable of flying by either turning their feet into energy propulsion engines (basically rockets) or creating wings on their backs or creating an energy aura which lets them control the level of gravity they have it's something like certain superheroes look when they fly.Speed:
The average Rover can run up to Mach 20 they can even go faster when they absorb energy or shape shift and if they fly, they can go even faster.Space survival:
Because of their mechanical half they can survive in the vacuum space surviving the intense cold and lack of oxygen.•also, because they can survive without oxygen, they can breathe any poisonous gases that would kill any organic lifeform they can even survive at the bottom of any ocean
Toxic blood:
Because their blood is biomechanical and fused with surge energy their blood is incredibly toxic to all forms of organic life especially if they energize it (it can also be used to heal organic life when they recode it, but they haven't figured out how to yet)Vision based abilities:
Because their eyes are also robotic, they have four different vision-based powers which includes.•night vision
•thermal vision
•X-ray vision
•Telescopic sightAnd very few of them have a rare extra ability called analyze which lets them scan anything to the atomic level and get all information about the object.
They're hearing is so great that they can hear the quietest sounds from long distances they can even use echolocation (they can control how great the hearing can be)💀Weaknesses💀
Durability limit:
There's only so many hits they can take before their bodies get damaged by either blunt or Sharp damage.Surge energy dependency:
Surge energy is what keeps them alive the first five to six years of their lives they have to collect the energy in order for them to generate it on their own if they don't collect enough energy they will not be as powerful as normal ones and won't live as long.Consumption dependency:
Even though they can survive without oxygen they still need to eat in order for the organic half to survive cuz there's only so much the mechanical side can do.Off guard absorption:
Even though they can absorb energy if they're caught off guard, they can't absorb electricity or EMP in which they will still get hurt or greatly harmed (if they're caught off guard by an EMP they will get very weak and won't heal as fast)Energy and metal damage:
Surge energy can damage them if they get hit by a weaponized beam of it and the metal, they use can also hurt them if it's turned into weapon like a blade or a blunt weapon.Power teaching:
When they're young they need to be taught how to use their powers what to do and what not to do because if they don't their power will become unstable and cause them to explode killing themselves and causing massive damage to the area and others kind of like a bigger living nuke.Limited IQ:
They're only as smart as they can be with what's available while they are fast learners if they don't have access to something to help learn (like a book etc.) they will know nothing about what they need at the moment.Also, everything from the mechanical blood and down to everything else is a rewrite because Wattpad glitched and it didn't save all of my progress I wrote so I may have messed up on a few things because I forgot what I wrote.
(I think this is the longest chapter I've ever made in a book)
And that's all their abilities and weaknesses next, I'll be writing the chapters about how the Rovers fell and the first person the MC meets on Earth.
If there's anything I messed up or I should add let me know cause I feel like I need to fix some things.
Anyways that's all for now.
Later ✌️
a rover's new home
Science Fictiona month before their birthday a Young alien finds a strange vehicle which leads them to a new planet to explore. this is my second idea I had for a show just so you know that I won't be updating anymore chapters once I'm done putting in information...