Scaled Redemption

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Scaled Redemption
Chapter 1: Sloane
I blinked twice before meeting a pair of familiar eyes looking down at me. "Aro," I said once I sat up a bit and leaned on both my elbows for support. "Seems I've returned to the last place I wanted to be"

Aro bent down to my level and placed his left hand on my right shoulder, giving a small smile. "You're really tempting fate, aren't you, Sloane?" He clicked his tongue once he helped me up onto my feet. "Ayden promised he'd take care of you. Seems he hasn't kept his promise'

I wrapped my arms around my middle, feeling my eyes begin to well with tears.
"I can take care of myself. I always have and I always will'

"Sloane," he clicked his tongue a second time. The tears i was trying to hold back rolled down both my cheeks. "Someday, you'll have to put down your walls and eventually let someone in"

'Aren't you here alone? Talk about calling the kettle black." I turned around keeping my back to Aro, as I glanced around at the dark endless abyss wondering how the hell I was getting out of here. 'Anyway, Aro, I'm curious about something. How'd i end up here? This time I can't remember much"

Aro must have stepped forward, I now felt his voice whisper softly into my right ear as my tears continued to roll down my cheek. "I'm not surprised that usually happens after a couple visits to the abyss. I'll show you what is happening but on one condition'

I formed my hands into fists not liking where this was going. "What's your condition, Aro?"

He removed a strand of hair from my face, I squirmed at the feel of his touch. "My sweet, sweet Sloane my condition isn't what you're thinking right now. My condition is if I show you what's happening, you'd stay here for a while to keep me company and to rest"

I squirmed again as he brushed his index finger along my left shoulder towards the back of my neck. He wanted more than he was leading on. "Is that everything, Aro?" He nodded. 'OK, since I don't have much of a choice, I hesitantly agree. Now, hold up your end of the deal"

Aro waved his hands out in front of him, revealing a small portal of what I assumed was happening back on Earth. A guy I didn't recognize was on his knees with his left hand clutched to his chest, as he collapsed to the floor with tears in his eyes. His friend hovered over him showing some concern, trying to help him to his feet but he resisted and hid his face against the floor. "Come on, Rhiiat," his friend forcefully turned him onto his back after some resistance. "Sloane wouldn't want you to suffer like this"

There was that name again. Ayden. How did Rhiiat and his friend Ayden know my name? Did  I know them? Rhiiat swung out his arm, knocking his friend into the furthest wall nearly knocking him unconscious. "Don't you ever say her name, Ayden! That would mean she's really gone! And she can't be gone! She can't!'

Ayden struggled to get to his feet, while holding onto his right arm that must be hurting him. He collapsed onto his knees before Rhiiat and gently patted his back. "Rhiiat, accept the fact Sloane is gone and the reason why is Leo. He's the one we need to focus on"

Rhiiat pushed Ayden off of him, then brought himself up onto his knees and slammed his fists into them.  The angrier he got the stronger his tears had come. 'My dad is gonna pay for what he's done! Where the fuck is he?"

'Rhiiat," a woman said as she stepped before Rhiiat and Ayden with her right arm crossed against her chest while her left hand rubbed her small bump gently. "Don't do anything too rash. I need you around for our baby"

Both the boys stood up on their feet, leaning on each other for support. Rhiiat softly grumbled under his breath, as Ayden guided him towards the couch. They sat beside one another each throwing their heads back to rest on the pillows above them. The woman who may have been a friend of theirs  sat between them, leaning more in Rhiiat's direction and running her left hand over his right knee. "Samara," he grumbled again. "Can I have a little bit of space?"

Scaled Redemption- sequel to Scaled heartWhere stories live. Discover now