Why me?

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I sighed, slowly opening my locker door. Putting my duffel bag in, I begin thinking ahead to my performances. I have done them a million times but still feel like I will mess up. Once I swallow the lump in my throat, I begin putting on a red latex bodysuit and adding a touch more to my makeup, preparing to take the stage.

"Valerie you're up next", my boss says, calling me up to the stage.

As I walk on, the nightclub lights immediately start burning my corneas and the smell of sweaty men stings my nose, even through all that I still manage to walk confidently to the pole and wait for the music to start. Once the music plays, I immediately immerse myself in the dance, praying not to make eye contact with any of the animals in the crowd. I finish my solo and walk off stage drowning out the clapping and cheering. I finally enter the locker room to change into my regular clothes again.

I hate this job, especially how those hungry men look at my body, it makes me want to curl up into a ball and hide away, I will always choose the bear. I am stuck working here because once I turned 18, my dad came home after a night at the bar with his buddies and kicked me out onto the streets with only a bit of money I saved up for college.

His buddies kept cheering him on, "Yeah Mikey, you get 'er!".

I managed to scrounge around for this job and find a decent apartment in the city. 

My self-pity thoughts were interrupted when my boss stated, "Val, someone has requested to see you."

"Do I need to change again?" I sigh thinking about how they will try to touch all over my body.

"Nope, apparently they just want to talk," he replies innocently.

I nod surprised and walk out to the audience. Since it was past closing, only one person was sitting amongst the chairs. As I stride closer, I get a better look at him, tall, blonde, and must I say, rather muscular.

'What could he want?' I thought.

The man stands up upon seeing me enter and introduces himself. I chuckle to myself knowing this is probably one of my dumb fans begging for me to be their "sugar baby" and how they want to take me home tonight.

"Hello, my name is Silas," he proceeds, "I've seen enough of you to know that you will be very suitable for a position at the company I belong to."

The man gave me a business card and strides away leaving no room for conversation. After he is gone, I look down at the business card, it is plated in gold and reads "Barelli & Co". I quickly shrug it off, stuff it in my pocket, and hurry out to my car to avoid any stalkers. After I arrive home, I slip into my pajamas and practically leap onto my bed inviting the sleep to overcome me. Unfortunately, for over an hour, I kept tossing and turning thinking about the man, Silas, and why would he want me to work for them. So, I decided to give them a call, not expecting someone to answer at such late hours.

The phone rings and a woman picks up, "Hello?" she asks confused.

"Hi, uh, someone gave me a business card for this place, and he said you guys wanted me to work there or something," I say to the other line praying this isn't some pyramid scheme.

"Oh yes! Are you interested in the job?" her tone changing.

"I don't even know what the job is...".

Eventually, the woman gave me a time and place for a meeting to discuss this so-called job and we ended the call. I hope this is a reputable job so I can start moving on with my life. What made me so special though? With my mind somewhat at ease, I pull up the blankets and quickly fall asleep.


At 6:30 am, my alarm goes off. I groan and slowly roll out of bed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I start thinking about my night and suddenly remember the meeting I had scheduled, and it kick-starts me into getting ready. I scramble around the apartment trying to find any scraps of decent clothes. Quickly, eat a piece of toast and fix my disheveled hair. I eventually leave the house around 8:00 am and head to the meeting.

As I arrive, a woman greets me, and she sounds like the one on the phone.

"Hello! My name is Iris, I'm the secretary at this office," she continues, "Follow me this way!"

We continue through the office building, and I look around. Big marble pillars, gold and black accents, polished floors, I was in awe. I don't think I have ever been in a place so nice, let alone my potential workplace. Iris leads me into a small conference room and guides me to a seat.

"Mr. Barelli will be in shortly," she states and exits the room.

'I'm meeting the CEO?' I think to myself.

I sure hope this goes well.


A/N: I know this was short, but I plan on making them much longer in the future, just you wait ;)

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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