Duke University

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They say it's like heroin. When you fall in love, you just can never get enough. Well, I thought it was to be a rumour... a false story. They say the break up will be the worst part, as bad as trying to get rid of a heroin addiction because you'll keep wanting it more. I don't know why we compare love to a drug that can mess up our whole lives, but here we are. Stories lead you to believe your first is your forever, your only, and your last. However, I have heard you go through many before finding the one.

The one. What a scary phrase. Who wants to date just to get hurt and do it all over again, so many times. They try and pull you in with something cheesy like "Are you a rose? Because you're so pretty." Or something as simple as; "Are you single?"

It's my first day of university, Duke University. We still have a few weeks until the term truly begins. I've heard the first day is the worst day. But truly I think every day of school is the worst one. The worst part is moving into a dorm with someone completely opposite of you. Although I guess there are 2 separate bedrooms within my dorm.

As I'm walking into the dorm, I see a nice, fancy kitchenette to my right. A man proceeds towards me. As he takes a step in my direction, the door closes shut from a quick gust of wind. He extends his hand out towards me, greeting me. I can smell his cologne, wreaking of pine trees. I embrace his hand and shake it politely. I notice the corner of his lips perk up in interest, clearly already knowing he's sharing this very dorm with me.

"You must be Allie. I'm Teddy." He says, calmly.
"I am and it's nice to meet you- Teddy. I don't seem it fit for me to be sharing my dorm with a boy." I continue, "Does that usually happen?"
"All of the time. They try and put us with someone who is the total opposite of us so then we must learn how to cope with different types of people." He informs me.

He shows me around the dorm, although there isn't much on display. A fancy, but small kitchenette. A leather couch, and a mini television in the living room with a wooden coffee table. Although the red roses give the living room a nice touch of colour. He helps me carry my 2 big suitcases into my room. But as soon as I open the door, the smell of rose perfume is very strong.

"Who has been sleeping in here?" I question him so he smirks.
"Are you jealous?" He asks.
"Never. I would just be highly entertained to be informed of who was in my bed." I tell him.
"My sister, Lillian. She came to visit me last weekend." He tells me so I smile.

I haven't even seen a speck of dust anywhere throughout the dorm. Later, I am wandering around the campus when I notice a couple of wooden benches in a courtyard. It has a huge oak tree with flowers scattered all over the ground. Since today is basically just everyone exploring the campus and no classes, I decide to go lay in the grass amongst the flowers, in the courtyard. I pull my book out of my bag and I start reading. I flip to the next page. Teddy wanders in and sits right in the way of the sun. I roll my eyes at him so he chuckles.

"What are you reading?" He asks politely.
"Why must you be blocking my light?" I answer with another question.
"I asked first." He insists

I roll my eyes once again in annoyance. I try to ignore him but he continues to sit there, exploring my book with his soft blue eyes. His friends come into the courtyard surrounding us so I let out a sigh and continue with my book.

"Who's the Freshy you got here Teddy?" The man with black hair and a football uniform asks.
"Allie, these are my friends. Although you seem busy so we shall leave you to your boring book. I'll meet you guys on the field." Teddy insists while maintaining eye contact with me.

They all go out to the football field and Teddy goes to get up. I insist that he stays for a moment longer.

"Jane Austen's Pride and the Prejudice is most certainly not boring. It follows a lovely heroine, Elizabeth. She's very opinionated. She always finds herself at odds with her Mr. Darcy." I explain.
"Do you mind if I borrow that book when you're finished? The heroine reminds me of someone I just met." He asks so I nod.
"If you can read, you most certainly would be able to borrow my book. On the certitude you give it back to me after."

He agrees. Later, I wander back to the dorm. It's empty. Exactly what I'd have hoped for, more peace and quiet. I go to my room and fall asleep on my bed. I haven't slept since I got here after the flight from Birmingham, England. There is a huge 5 hour time difference from there to here.

The next day, I wake up to harsh banging and pots crashing together. I rush to the kitchen and Teddy is attempting to make breakfast.

"I apologize. I was about to attempt to deliver you some breakfast in bed." He says, sincerely.
"It's quite alright, why would you think to make me breakfast in bed?" I question.
"Pride and Prejudice is not a good book. She should have chosen Mr. Collins." He informs me.
"Pardon me?! She did not love Mr. Collins. Elizabeth loved Darcy." I demand.
"Elizabeth is some country girl while Darcy is a rich land owner. Just like how Mr. Darcy did not love Elizabeth. They are not meant to be." He rebuttals.
"Just because he is rich does not make any portion of a difference! However Elizabeth's dad was a country man. Why can't 2 different people love each other?" I ask, upset.

Teddy turns to me after slicing a few apples. He takes a step closer. He towers over me but my breathe catches.

"2 different people may certainly love each other. Darcy referred to Elizabeth as not beautiful enough to tempt him." He continues, "Some woman are too beautiful and will tempt a man too many times. Some woman cannot leave a man's mind because they are too tempting. Some woman make a man love a stupid romance book too much. 2 different people may certainly love each other. However they both must feel the same way. I wish Darcy loved Elizabeth as much as she loved him. Darcy was arrogant."

He lowers his head down so he is inches from my lips. His breathe causes me to shiver.

"Some men are not too tempting." I say, going back to my room.

As I am getting dressed, I can't help thinking about the moment I had just experienced with Teddy. Suddenly, there is banging on my door. I fix my shirt and leave the room. I take a seat beside Teddy and enjoy the food he made.

"I apologize. However if I were to have been Mr. Darcy... I would never have referred to a girl so gorgeous like that. He gave no respect." He informs me.

Later, I am hanging out with one of my male best friends, Denny. He came over from England with me. We're at the cafeteria.

"So, Lady how was the move?" Denny questions.
"Yeah it was alright, I suppose. I share a room with a man named Teddy? It's such a weird name." I tell him so he chuckles.
"Do we admire him? Is he a mate? Does he have tons of banter?" He starts questioning.
"Actually he does have banter. He made me breakfast and we maybe- had a moment. I feel so silly." I inform him, my cheeks more red than a tomato.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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