Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Hello! Thanks for reading my book! This is my first realistic book on here (Yeah...maybe you shouldn't look at my other works), and I'm hoping that it goes well. Please star, share, and comment!!


There's this girl, and I gotta be frank in saying that she's got to be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. It's both lucky and incredibly unlucky that we've been best friends since the third grade. Lucky because I have her in my life. I get to see her sleepy face and hear her sleepy voice when she wakes up after a sleepover, I get to know her favorite drink and all her little secrets, I've met her parents and we can pig out in front of each other without judgement. Unlucky because I think I might be in love with her.

Isa glanced over, and then looked back again. "Kat, what're you staring at?" she asked, laughing at the oddity that was her best friend.
"Erg, sorry! I do that too often...I just cant keep my eyes off this beautiful face," Kataria said, laughing as well. She reached out to touch Isa's face in a jokingly affectionate manner, but her best friend slapped her hand away.
"Control your body, you know Mrs.-"
"Isabella! Kataria! Is this the third grade? No. Keep your hands to yourselves." Mrs. Baxter proceeded to lecture the class about appropriate behavior, unknowingly making several sexual innuendos that just disrupted the class of gutter-brained teenage boys and girls more. An uneventful silent work period, under the threat of detention, followed.
She wouldn't call it love. Mostly because Kat didn't want to be in love with Isa, but she really couldn't control how she felt. Instead, she denied it. It was plainly obvious that she was gay, ever since kindergarten when she kissed Allison Newston at recess it had been common knowledge to anyone in every school she went to, elementary, junior high, and now high school.
That stereotype about lesbians hitting on anything with a vagina was the one that Kat wanted to prove wrong the most. It pissed her off to no end that Lithia Knowels though that Kat would lower her standards enough to like her. Getting to the point, having a crush on her best friend, who was really, really not gay, wouldn't speak well towards her cause.
And so, in Kat's mind, the crush would go away. Simple. She'd had crushes on straight gals before (because there was like one other queer girl in the school, and that was NOT happening), and they'd gone away after a week or five of Kat convincing herself that it would never go anywhere.
Damn, though, Isa would not leave Kat's head. She was beginning to relate to love songs.
Running her fingers through her long brown hair, Kat stared down and sighed.
"This homework is not going anywhere. I have no idea what's going on." Kat said to herself. Granted, she hadn't actually read the question, but trying to do something that wasn't going to work was not worth the effort. High school had too much going on to worry about petty things such as the Cold War, like drama between people Kat didn't even know and junior high kids getting arrested for drugs. Oh, and Isabella Freeman. She was pretty interesting.
Kat knew that is was high time that she convinced herself to give up on the girl that would never love her back. But, for once, Kat really didn't want to. Any other crush was a little heartbreaking to give up on, but this one was just unimaginable. For whatever reason, Kat wanted to pursue this one, not give up, keep going at it. Success was less likely then her getting attacked by a shark, but she would risk those odds and go swimming in a shark tank just to be with Isa.
Romantic, right? Getting attacked by a shark would be so worth it for her, though. Nothing had felt like this before, and it was kind of driving Kat insane.
Crap, she thought, I'm gunna end up telling her. Kat didn't really have much control over what she said, her impulsiveness was a primary reason that her parents had brought her to three psychologists by the age of 12, all of whom told them that she was just an excited and weird little girl. She also used to eat crayons, but nobody talks about that.
Telling Isa would either be the best or worst decision of Kat's life. Three options, Isa is also in love with Kat, Isa rejects Kat but they remain friends, or Isa flips and the six year friendship between the two turns into an awkward memory that neither speak of again.
Not favorable odds.
So, what is there to do? Kat thought, pushing away the helpless mess that was a pile of four periods of homework. Her gut said tell her, and honestly so did her brain, but her common sense was shaking her by the shoulders. What would she even do if Isa rejected her? Hide under a rock? Die? Continue living with the pain that is a broken heart? Just like why she was in love with her best friend, there was no logical reason as to why, in that moment, Kat knew that she would tell Isa. Bad things were probably going to result.
One of Kat's catchphrases seemed appropriate for the matter at hand.
Fuck it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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