oh nah theres REAAL lore in the story 😦

365 5 12

im alive,,, i post smt after centuries 😦..

also pls look at the pic ontop.. the beaver is SO CUTE AGDHWK

mentions of being sent death threats
mentions of not eating/skipping meals
insomnia???(just incase of trauma)
mentions of being stalked(if you look closely..)

enjoy this ugly thing i draww b4 u see this cringe writing

enjoy this ugly thing i draww b4 u see this cringe writing

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cody wears velcro straps bc i know 🤯

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cody wears velcro straps bc i know 🤯

also cody looks like spongebob.. ☠☠


Sadie: ong katie!!!


Owen: Owen!

seen at 24:00am

Izzy: E-SCOPPEEE!?!?!?!?@?@?@??!

Courtney: Guys go back to bed, it's 12 in the morning.

Courtney: And you too Cody! I know you're lurking and watching spongebob again.

seen at 24:01am

Gwen: Courtney maybe he just left his phone open in bed.. sleeping

Courtney: @Harold, Kindly check if Cody's awake. I'll buy you that cosplay you always wanted.

Regards, Courtney

Harold is typing...

Harold: really? and how did you know im awake??

Courtney: Cody told me you had a midnight ritual of playing Minecraft until 3 am.

Harold: that little snitch.. his awake eating candy

Courtney: Bought the ##### cosplay, It should arrive 2 days later.

Courtney: @Cody! I told you to try and fix your sleep schedule!

Cody: im sorry i just skipped eating lunch, now i cant sleep


Courtney's POV:

I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose, I was frustrated.

Cody has been skipping a few other meals for some days and its driving him insane to keep his guard! Im worried.

He told me that he'd try to sleep and eat but he just didn't.. but I cant stay angry at him! who could blame him after being sent death threats and being stalked by loads of strangers.

He told me the day after Harold hacked Sierra out of the groupchat, He didn't tell anyone but Me and Gwen.

"I'm so scared.. I have never recieved so much blackmail before.." he was sitting by the couch cradling himself

His eyes were wide, his hair was a bird's nest.

I held his hands, His hands were- No! He was cold!

"Cody this will work out, If it gets even worse we will find a lawyer." I said, as Gwen came back with warm water

"Cody drink this you'll have a hard time breathing if this keeps up!" She said as Cody handled the mug

he nodded and drank.

"Have you told anyone about this?"

"No..." he tried inhaling "Just you two.. I don't want Noah to worry about me!"

"But dont you trust him?" I asked

"And the drama brothers too!" Gwen added

"I DO love him, I just dont want him to worry! I've done too much and he always helps me and it's just so wrong! and them too! I do nothing but act like a git-" He was shaking again, poor boy.

"Cody calm down, drink your water" Gwen told

He didn't know what to do, so his sleep schedule was now dumped and so was his appetite.

'I cant blame him, even if I had gotten him a lawyer and asked him if he wanted therapy.. He still felt unsafe.' I thought. Suggesting myself to not give him too much pressure, considering his already having a hard time.

"Im already scared of Sierra but now I can get murdered thanks to HER! by countless of people knowing my address and stuff, even sending me photos of me!" that he said in that day, I know he is already suffering far too much.

I got back to the phone, breathing in and out


Courtney: Cody it is okay, just please.. next time eat proper foods atleast 3 times a day.

Cody: i will

Izzy: fart

Eva: everyone stfu and sleep.



lmao theres angst and this is cringe ☠☠ anyways

if yall dont get it Cody is being sent death threats,blackmailed by Sierra and her fans.. He is also being stalked. He kept it a secret to everybody except gwen and courtney because he didn't want to bother their lives.

+worried gwourtney 🤯

and this is all cringe

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