warm and cold

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"Really? Are you sure there are no more rooms?"

"I'm sorry miss, but yes." The receptionist nods in an apologetic confirmation.

"Ughh looks like we'll be stuck with the hat guy in the same room! Why must Tubby do renovation exactly when Nahida tasked us with completing a mission with him?"

"Wait, no it'll be just you stuck with him, because Paimon will be far far away in her pocket dimension, hehe!" Paimon lightens up considerably.

"But Paimon still feels a teensy bit sorry for you, because you're Paimon's friend!"

"Or more like your means of getting food." A teasing smirk tugs on Lumine's lips as she folds her arms.

"Hey! No that's not true- I mean- It is great that you give Paimon food...but Paimon also cares for you as a friend!"

"Uh huh." Lumine lifts an eyebrow.

"W-well anyways, good luck telling this to the Wanderer, and solving this issue!" Paimon huffs, looking back at where the Wanderer is standing, at the other side of the lobby.

Lumine sighs as she glances back at the Wanderer watching them cautiously, with a hint of annoyance, his arms crossed.

Lumine walks over to him, Paimon hovering by her side, as he uncrosses his arms, ready to follow them.

"I'm sorry but there's only 1 room left so how do you want to-" Lumine begins, a tight apologetic smile plastered on her face, hoping fervently that he doesn't react too negatively. She is too worn out to deal with any drama.

"I don't need to sleep." The wanderer scoffs as he cuts off Lumine's words.

"Oh." Lumine and Paimon's eyes widen in surprise.

"I am, after all, not a human, but a puppet, or have you forgotten?"

"No...I just- well this is better for me anyway." Lumine relaxes slightly from the tight bundle of nerves she was before.

Silence descends upon them as they walk towards their room, as it always does when she's with the Wanderer.

Paimon had attempted to make light conversation once before, and the Wanderer cut her off, saying that, "It's rather pathetic to force a conversation just to occupy silence." and she hasn't tried since.

As they walk into the room, Lumine asks once again.

"Are you sure you don't need to rest?"

"I'll just be sitting on the porch." He scoffs again, looking at her with slight disdain.

She frowns slightly as she catches sight of the stormy sky. Dark purplish thunderclouds covered every inch of the dark blue night sky dotted with twinkling stars, and covered the moon and its ethereal glow, drowning the world in darkness, save for the few lights here and there. She catches whiffs of the crisp fresh smell of rain in the air.

"I'd rather sit out and stare at the rain then sleep next to you." The wanderer crosses his arms again.

"Okay then." Lumine shrugs, indifferent to his insult.

It is much better for her this way anyway. She was just trying to be nice and consider the feelings of him, especially since they're partnering up for a mission.

Paimon disappears into her pocket dimension with a goodnight, as she tucks the blanket up to her chin.

Scaramouche, no, the Wanderer as he is called now, sits out on the porch and stares at the thick clouds, the storm coming anytime soon.

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