Chapter Seveteen

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            I pushed the stupid cart full of books through the library. Damn this thing! The wheels kept getting stuck to the freaking rug. I picked up three random books and shoved them into the shelf. I grabbed a few more and noticed a huge girl blocking the shelf I was trying to put the books in, "Can I stick this in there?" I asked.

The girl smiled, "Sure, stick it in. Here's a good hole." I shoved the books in and smiled, walking away. Then I realized what I just said. Can I stick this in there? Sure stick it in. Here's a good hole. Either I'm weird or that was such a sexual reference I'd be dumb to not have noticed before.

I saw Scott sitting at the far end, focused on the book balanced on his knee. The sunlight was washing into the window beside him, filling half his face with light. His gold hair illuminated and wow, I wish I had a camera right now. I pulled out my cell phone and snapped a photo. Scott looked up and grinned, "If you wanted a picture of me, you could have just asked."

I pushed the cart up to him and took the open seat in front of him, "It was a Kodak moment."

His smile deepened.


I burst out laughing, tears welling in my eyes, "You did NOT do that for Halloween!"

He laughed with me, "I did. Oh God, it was funny!"

I started crying and that only happens once a blue moon, people. I usually don't laugh so hard that it MAKES ME CRY! But Scott made that possible. Okay so, for Halloween, he dressed in all red and went trick or treating early. He went to this middle aged chicks house and when she asked what he was, he said, "I'm your period and I came early this month."

Is that SO funny? I started slipping to the floor as I kept laughing. Scott lifted me up and kept one hand on my waist as the other hand wiped away my tears. His face suddenly became serious, focusing on my lips. He licked his lips and my stomach fluttered, violently. My laugh dead out as he edged closer to me.... His soft pink lips an inch from mine....

"WHAT THE HELL, TEDI?" Zach yelled. His eyes were red, glaring at me and the cart full of books I still hadn't put back.

I pulled back from Scott, aware of how close we were. How close our lips were. OMFG. What was I doing? How could I have kissed Scott? I guess I like him but Jack.... He moved on, right? Maybe all that laughter clouded my rational thinking. And I didn't want Scott to be my rebound....

"You didn't do shit! Now, we have to stay after and do this. Ugh..." Zach muttered, pissed.

"You say that as if you have a life."

Scott got up and apologized to Zach, "I didn't know I was distracting her." His voice was husky and he cleared it, turning back to me, "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yea," He walked off and I stared memorized at his gorgeous muscular figure. I don't deserve him. Then again, I don't have him.

When Scott was gone, Zach turned his Asian eyes on me, "So? The whole forty minutes, you've been making kissy faces with that guy? What a waste you are sometimes. And whatever happened to that other guy? What was his name? Jack Gold?"

"How do you know about that?" I asked, gathering some overweight books.

"People talk especially Maggie, so what happened?"

"Honestly, I don't know." I said, not wanting to talk anymore. I stared at all the books and thought about how many trees were killed to make these. Then again, why do I care? I'm not a tree. And I don't recycle. How do trees have sex? They probably bump their branches together and form babies. Maybe I should have paid more attention in Biology then on many packets of Crystal Light I can sniff up my nose before I bleed.

"Do relationships suck?" Zach asked, shoving some books into open shelves.

I was going to say, "Hell ya! My relationship status on Facebook is 'complicated because of a whore'" But instead I said, "Sometimes but I guess honestly is the best policy."

"Do you know if Emma is seeing anyone?" Emma is M&M. I never knew Zach liked M&M.

I smiled, "M&M is currently single, actually. Do you want to... you know... go out with her?"

He blushed, "I was just asking because my friend... wanted to know."



An hour later, we finished putting back all the books. I headed for my dorm. In the hallway, across from my door were Hailey and her bitchy follower Jessica, who's Jade's ex-girlfriend.

Hailey perched her lips as I walked past, trying to unlock my room door.

"Jack's kisses are so good. Mm and he's ALL mine." She bragged. I rolled my eyes. I'm so over Jack right now. Or am I? Crap.

Jessica laughed, "Soon, Jade will be mine too. I know he still wants me. Brandie is a fat whore anyway."

I pulled out my large ninja sword from my back pocket and while yelling "Ah!" at the top of my lungs, with my sword high in the air, chased Jessica until I chopped her head off.

No, I didn't do that but I wish I had. I didn't have a sword with me but I did have my backpack full of books. I swung off my backpack and slammed into right into Jessica's face. She dropped to the floor, whining about her recently Botox-ed cheeks. Her nose was bleeding, "Talk about Brandie again, and that won't be the only thing bleeding when I'm done with you!"

With that, I glared at Hailey and went into my room, slamming the door shut to make it dramatic.

I wonder how much bail costs for murder?

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