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"River," the gray cat snickered. "I'll name him River after the river that I hate." The kit was jumping trying to catch a butterfly.  'He is really that stupid!' She thought as the kit edged closer to the edge of a rock. "MAMA! I AM TIRED!" yelled the kit suddenly stopping his butterfly chase. "Then go lay down and don't call me mama call me by my real name." The gray cat growled.  The little kit lied down. "Good night, Ma— I mean Venom." The kit yawned sleep in his handsome green eyes. "Good night, River." Venom purred faking love for him.  As the kit fell asleep, a white tom enter the cave. "Hello Venom," the tom purred. "Hello Snow," Venom purred with out turning around. "I'll take him now." Snow meowed. She could hear the love in his thick voice. "Fine his a little piece of foxdung anyways." She meowed. With that Snow picked the little tom up and brought him to a far away place.

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