2023 is about to grow

70 0 13

Hello, everyone.

First off, I want to say I'm sorry for not posting any of my updates lately...
Secondly, I would like to make some announcements.

Let's start off with my life.

It's been emotionally crappy for me lately, due to not only the media drama, but also family drama as well.

When I became 18, everyone just says I'm still a child which I'm not even who I was as a kid.

School life has also been stressful, because of the fact I need to pass one class in the semester, along with having the community hours.

I did also lose friends that were very close to me, and apparently a lot of the friends they now have are saying many false rumors about me which are created by people who highly despise me for the littlest reasons.

Speaking of littlest reasons, I had also left the Object Show Community/Object Fandom, due to uncertain events.

Here's the list.
- Users thinking 'Cring Culture' is still up and running
- Fighting
- Denial (I've had a horrible thing with relationships in the past, and breakups weren't pretty, due to the fact everyone didn't want me to date them over one simple thing)
- Drama
- False Accusations
- False Rumors

I've also been invincible by the community, due to people showing off my artwork as if they were all jokes.
By the way, those aren't only werewolf artwork but also very normal artworks that are object related.

I've been so fed up with people posting these lately, because I now regret making all of it. They post not only old but newer artwork as well. (Most of them are posted on Amino and Twitter).

I had tried everything to make the posts muted on Twitter, such as muting the fandom name and other things. But no matter what I do, people would repost them and remake them as jokes. I've made a difficult decision to unfollow just about everybody, because I'm just sick of it all...

I had previously told the people I had regretted making the artwork and that it was now cringe, which I truly agree with. But nobody listens to me, and I've actually lost every object friends over the fact my artwork is now treated like shit.

Nobody listened, and the friends who saw it got completely fed up with me, when I actually done nothing wrong to all of them.

As of today, I have NO object fandom friends.

I had left the community and stopped watching objects altogether as of October. Which... I hadn't watched any object stuff in several months now, due to high school.

I was originally gonna start watching again, but I'm just fed up with the fandom itself... (This also means I'm no longer having interests about Microphone. This was also hard for me, because I liked her for several years)

So, friends... Please do not get me involved with any object shows, os roleplays, os artwork or anything related to animated objects. Because everytime I now think of the shows, I think of harassment altogether.


I'm now only in these fandoms:

- The Simpsons
- Bob's Burgers
- South Park
- Ginga/Silverfang
- Warrior Cats

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