13 = As If It's Our Last

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"Any word yet?"

"Nothing. He said he would call us."

"This is it. We're done! We just debuted and our careers are already over."

"No its not, let's just stay calm, the police will call us."

"Hey guys, look, breaking news report."

At the household of the Tempest members, there was great concern to the whereabouts of their member.

As far as they knew, he had gone to the park earlier that day, as he had done many times before. But this time, he never came home.

After a few hours, they had already informed the police.

Right now the remaining six members sat together, side-by-side in the living room.

A male reporter was announcing the recent events.

"It is another sad day here in the central district. Police have confirmed several people have been reported missing. All are said to be idols. More information will be released soon. As for the identities of these idols, we have yet to confirm."

The members looked around at each other.

"Who else is gone?", Hyuk asked.

The members shook their heads.

They didn't even think about the fact that Hanbin might not have been alone at that park.

Meanwhile, with Jaeseok, the members were getting a sense of what the future held.

"Maybe I should have punched him.", Beomgyu said.

"I'm just now realizing that I gave in way too easily.", Hanbin said.

"I guess we just accepted that this was inevitable. Why fight if he's probably going to kill us?", Kai said.

"Don't think that way Kai. We'll all be okay.", Sunoo replied.

"I mean, we got kidnapped once and several people almost died, and you heard him. He's not going easy on us this time."

The four boys sat in a mostly empty room.

It seemed like a storage closet that was big enough to fit some random discarded items Jaeseok had thrown in there.

It was much smaller than the room Kai and Sunoo had been in previously.

"So, do we just sit here? What is he going to do?", Hanbin asked.

"We just need to stick together. We'll make it.", Beomgyu replied.

The door to the room opened.

Jaeseok stood in the doorway, looking down at the four boys sitting on the ground.

"Finally. A place where we can be all alone. No one to interrupt us.", he said.

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