Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift's First Phone Call with Tim McGraw

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[Radio DJ]
Hey, a little bit ago we were talking about uh, songwriting and listening to songs and putting down what you feel in the song, and um, up next in the countdown is Taylor Swift, and have you heard this song yet?

[Tim McGraw]
I have heard this song

[Radio DJ]
Tim McGraw. And what what did you think the first time you heard it? Or how was the first time?

[Tim McGraw]
It was awesome. Uh, except for, I didn't know if I should, I should take it as a compliment or I should feel old?

[Radio DJ]
Ah, ha ha ha

[Tim McGraw]
I didn't know which one but the more, the more I hear it the more, I don't know if its true or not, but I start taking it as a compliment and not that I feel that I'm old, I don't know if that's true, but that's what I choose to think.

[Radio DJ]
Why don't we find out. Taylor is a compliment, or uh, he's old?

[Taylor Swift]
Oh, it's definitely a compliment. Yeah. (Laughing)

[Radio DJ]
Tim McGraw, meet Taylor Swift.

[Tim McGraw]

[Taylor Swift]
Nice to meet you.

[Tim McGraw]
Nice to meet you, Taylor. How you doing?

[Taylor Swift]

I'm doing great. How are you doing?

[Tim McGraw]
I'm doing good. Congratulations on your record. It's doing great.

[Taylor Swift]
Thank you so much. I'm just so excited. Thank you for, uh, having good... music and everything. I swear I'm not a stalker (Laughing)

[Radio DJ]

[Taylor Swift]
The funny thing about this song is ya know, as a writer, some of the songs that you write like four hours, you'll do them writing a song and it'll be good and everything, but I wrote this one in literally 15 minutes. And ya know, I really didn't think anything about calling in Tim McGraw so I kinda shelved it for like three months and never even thought that it was going to be a single. But, um, my label heard it and was like, "We're putting that out."(Laughing)

[Tim McGraw]
Well, I'm glad ya did, 'cause, um, it's doing well for ya.

[Radio DJ]
So, I-, so I understand that you two guys have not talked.

[Tim McGraw]

[Radio DJ]
You haven't met.

[Tim McGraw]
[Taylor Swift]
No, we've never talked or met or anything.

[Tim McGraw]
I sent her a message one time. I think with Entertainment Weekly
Or something like that. Oh, I don't remember what show it was. I was doing an interview and they were going to interview Taylor the next day. So, I sent her a little message, so, I don't know if she got it or not.

[Taylor Swift]
Oh my God. They never gave that to me.

[Tim McGraw]
They didn't? Okay, well, there ya go. I did. (Laughing)

[Radio DJ]
So, I-I.

[Taylor Swift]
We've just officially never, never talked or messaged or anything.

[Tim McGraw]
Not at all.

[Radio DJ]
So, I thought, I think it's pretty brave to put out a song called Tim McGraw without maybe talking to Tim McGraw. Did you mind?

[Taylor Swift]
It was definitely kind of a chance. Ya know, I didn't say anything bad in the song so I was kinda thinking, ya know, he wouldn't take it too bad.

[Tim McGraw]
Well, thank you for that. Thank you for not saying anything bad
I'm sure there's plenty that could've been said. Tell me-

[Taylor Swift]
Could you tell Faith that I said hello?

[Tim McGraw]
I sure will. I sure will. And she loves the song too by the way.

[Taylor Swift]
Oh my gosh, she's awesome.

[Tim McGraw]
I agree.

[Radio DJ]
This, this...Tell me about writing a song. Um, did this, did this really happen?

[Taylor Swift]
Well, yeah. I mean, I never really kinda went into this writing
Session on I'm gonna write a song called Tim McGraw
Um, yeah. Because that would just be weird. But um... (Laughing).
I actually this, this is kinda strange, but I actually came up with the
melody and ideas for this song in math class in my freshman year
of high school.

[Tim McGraw]
Now I feel old.

[Taylor Swift]
And um, I was sitting there and was kind of started singing it to myself. And I was going through a period where I was dating this guy that was going off to college and I knew we were gonna break up. So, I started to think about all the things that I knew would remind him of me. And it's kinda like a given one of all my friends ya know? That my favorite songs are Tim McGraw songs. They just are.

[Tim McGraw]
Aww, thank you.

[Taylor Swift]
And uh, you know so I kinda just thought about that first. And so it pointed to the song and just sat down at that piano. And wrote it with this co-writer who was kinda wondering if I was crazy or not, but it turned out alright. And ya know, the funny thing is that I shelved this song for like three months and never never even played it for anybody, never even demoed it. And uh, then one time I was just goofing around and played it for my record label president, and he goes, "Well, that's your first single." (Laughing)

[Taylor Swift]
And I'm like, well.

[Tim McGraw]
Well, you can write songs about me anytime, Taylor (Laughing)

[Taylor Swift]
That's awesome. There's a part two coming out next month.

[Tim McGraw]
Alright, great (Laughing)

[Tim McGraw]
Well, congratulations 'cause it's your first single. First top ten hit and thats pretty exciting. And I know you're off to the races here.
You're just doing great and, uh, congratulations, very exciting for you!

[Taylor Swift]
Awesome, it's been so exciting, Tim, when are you gonna start like bringing out opening acts again?

[Tim McGraw]
Um, I don't know. I don't know. We'll have to look into that. (Laughing)

[Taylor Swift]
Well, I'll, I have someone who I think will be really perfect for it.

[Tim McGraw]
Ya do? What would-

[Taylor Swift]

[Tim McGraw]
What would their name be?

[Taylor Swift]
Uh, um, I think Taylor something.

[Tim McGraw]
Something like that, yeah

[Taylor Swift]

[Tim McGraw]
Well, I'll, I'll be more than happy to have you out with me.

[Taylor Swift]
Just consider it.

[Radio DJ]
Ah, well that's very good! You're pretty fearless, Taylor Swift. I'll tell ya that.

[Tim McGraw]
Right, she's, she's gonna be forward this time.

[Radio DJ]
I think so. Country Countdown USA is now a booking agency as well.

[Tim McGraw]

[Radio DJ]
Hey Taylor, I know you're on the road, thank ya so much for joining us.

[Taylor Swift]
It was awesome and thank you. It was good to meet you, Tim.

[Tim McGraw]
You too. Good talking to you. Bye, bye now.

[Taylor Swift]

[Tim McGraw]
Good luck out there.

[Taylor Swift]

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