The Meeting Point

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Fuck does my ankle hurt.

I really can't be dealing with this shit rn I have a shop to get ready. Alyssa comes running In after hearing me scream as I hit the floor.

"Shit. Lily are you okay? Is it bad? I'll call my brother he's a doctor. One sec."

"No Alyssa I am fine, it's fine. Let's just get back to sorting this shithole out yeah?"

"Too late. He's 5 mins away. Stay here and don't move until he says you're okay."

Those 5 mins were the longest 5 mins of my life. It felt like it had been 2 hours when Alyssa's brother turned up. I could hear someone rushing into the room and his presence intrigued me instantly, yet he seemed complexed. I'm always up for a challenge. I look up to see a set of piercing green eyes glaring at me almost as if they want to explore me. I observe what is infront of me and i'm not complaining. I'd let him give me a check up anyday. We locked eye contact and the world around me seemed to stop and it suddenly hit me. I knew those piercing green eyes but where I knew them from was the question.

"is it alright if I take a look at your ankle, Alyssa said it needed looking at?" The mystery man spoke with his deep enticing voice enchanting and capturing me under his spell like a siren.

"Personally I think she was overreacting but sure knock yourself out doctor" I say with a smirk painted across my blushed face.

He places his hand on my leg and it all makes sense. The familiarity to his look, his touch and his voice all pieced together as the man who I saw on the rooftop. The same man who had asked me to fuck him that night. The man who I couldn't stop thinking about from the moment he walked through that door. His name was a mystery to me.

"I haven't got your name. I'm Lily ands you are?"

"Come on I know you know me Lily, how could I ever forget you. Ryle Kincaid"

Fuck her remembers me.

He observes my ankle and wraps a bandage around it. "Looks like you have a sprain. Best thing to do is to rest it for a week."

"I can't I have this place to sort out. I am supposed to be opening in a week there's no time to rest."

Alyssa must have heard me complaining as she walks into the room and offers to sort everything out for me so my ankle will be healed enough in time for the grand opening.

"Let me walk you to the car Lily. Make sure you rest and i am going to send Marshall around with some soup later so you don't have to cook."

"I can walk myself to my car Alyssa thanks anyway. You go out front and get it all sorted we're all good here."

Alyssa leaves the room leaving me and Ryle alone. He hadn't took his eyes off me since the moment he walked through the door and i'm here for it.

"Let me walk you out to your car. I insist." he whispers softly into my ear. God I would let him take me right here but his sister is in the other room and I don't want her knowing Ryle and I know eachother. It would only make things awkward. He reaches out for my arm but instead of helping me up he leans me towards him and whispers slowly and sensually into my ear. "My offer still stands. You're beautiful so let me show you how beautiful you are. Just let me fuck you Lily. Just once and you won't have to speak to me again." His persuasiveness turned me on to the max. I love how he is practically begging for me to fuck him. I am usually not this easy but there's something about him that does it for me.

He slowly helps me up using so many new hand placements i hadn't experienced before. He lifts his arm around my neck so our heads are pressing against one another. I tilt my mouth towards his ear breathing heavily down his ear from the internal pleasure he brings upon me.

"Come back to my place and your wish is my command. Doctor Kincaid." I wink at him and hear him groan as he presses me up against him and clasps his lips against mine.

"I've been waiting to do that since we first met. What are we going to tell Alyssa?" I can feel him getting hard as he thrusts up against me making me quiver with delight wanting to explore every inch of his body. I wanted him and he knew it.

"Just say you're the expert so you should take me home. She'll have no clue."

We walk outside the shop where Alyssa and Marshall are unloading boxes of rubbish into their car to take to the scrapyard.

"Doctor Kincaid is driving me home and he's going to stay with me for a couple of hours to give me a double checkup."

"Okay Lily. Hope you're okay?"

When we are both sitting in my car he turns and looks me up and down. Mentally deciding which part of my body he is going to kiss first.

"I like it when you call me Doctor Kincaid Lily. You don't know what you're getting yourself into." He smirks and places his hand gently onto my leg stroking my thigh going higher and higher until I let out a soft moan. He laughs and buckles his seatbelt and we may our way back to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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