Chapter 14: The Talk

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Shuri Pov:
I woke up and got out of bed to get ready for the day. After I took a quick shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth and ate breakfast I went back to the room. Ava was already awake and ready when I got back. "Good morning bubs." "Morning. Listen I um babe can we talk?" I froze. What did she wanna talk about? Did I do something wrong? Is she breaking up with me?! "Yes babe, what's up." I played it off. I'm acting like I'm completely alright. I hope she doesn't notice. "About that night.." Oh that night. The night I hurt her. "Oh..I- I'm very sorry." My eyes started to water. "No, no baby listen to me. I just can we take a slow for the new few days. Like no sex, no showering together, no being flirtatious with each other." "Thats a lot..but I completely understand love. I just I didn't mean too." "I know but it happened." "So we can still kiss and cuddle?" "Of course Shuri." And with that she gave me a hug and slowly pecked my lips. She wiped my tears and reassured me that it'll be okay. We hugged again. "So now what." "I'm going to go out and just relax for the day." "Have fun Ava." Ava left and I started crying. Okoye knocked on my door and I didn't respond so she walked in. "What's the matter princess?" "You know how I punched Ava?" "Yes?" "We're taking things slow which I'm okay with but I hate myself." "It wasn't your fault." "IT WAS!" "Did you mean to do it?" "N-no." "Exactly. She knows it wasn't your fault but it did hurt her. She just wants to be alone for a little bit." She hugged me and I started sobbing in her arms. Eventually I calmed down and she left. I picked up my phone and started scrolling through instagram.

Posted by: It'sAva27Nat and Yelena being gay😂Likes:400Comments:Romanoff:it wasn't like that!!WandaMaximoff:OooYelena:it was just a normal pic, I swear to god Ava! WERE SISTERS!!KingOfWakanda:you guys are funny

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Posted by: It'sAva27
Nat and Yelena being gay😂
Romanoff:it wasn't like that!!
Yelena:it was just a normal pic, I swear to god Ava! WERE SISTERS!!
KingOfWakanda:you guys are funny

Posted by: It'sAva27Nat and Yelena being gay😂Likes:400Comments:Romanoff:it wasn't like that!!WandaMaximoff:OooYelena:it was just a normal pic, I swear to god Ava! WERE SISTERS!!KingOfWakanda:you guys are funny

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Posted by: Mr.IcanDoThisAllDay
Nat and I on a mission
Tony:ha! Only 5 likes😂
It'sAva27:hello mother
Yelena:looking ugly sis

IcanDoThisAllDayNat and I on a missionLikes:5Comments:Tony:ha! Only 5 likes😂Fury:CAP DO THE MISSION! GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONEIt'sAva27:hello motherYelena:looking ugly sis

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Posted by:It'sAva27
Banner:Wow Ava
Mr.IcanDoThisAllDay:I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!

I turned off my phone and laid down. I felt my eyes getting heavy so I just allowed myself to go to bed.
Ava Pov:
I was walking around Wakanda and I started to miss Shuri. I felt very guilty about this morning but to be fair she hurt me. I couldn't take it anymore and ran back to the Panther Cave. I ran upstairs and walked into our room. I found her fast asleep on the bed. I quietly got under the covers and wrapped my arms around her waist and fell asleep. Just before I closed my eyes I whispered "I'm sorry my love".

Next chapter will be very emotional. Also sorry this one is short. Also comment if you think I should make a smut book for marvel woman. I'll do any woman you guys would like but I wanna know if I do make one that you guys will enjoy it.

Word count:575

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