Ch 12

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HIIIII! This is another idea from my great friend @kim_is_lesbian_  you should go follow her! Anyway ON WITH THE STORY! (Ps this is more of quackbur)

Pov Quackity

I woke up curled around a warm figure which i realize after i blinked for a good 2 minutes straight (*cough* ✨gay) before releasing it was wilbur I cuddled back up to him, he mumbled something but I didn't hear it. "Dude!!" I heard him whisper yell in my ear i open my eyes and sit up slowly "yeah...?" I say my brain still not fully functioning sense i had just woke up 30 seconds ago "It's almost noon" He states plainly "WHAT!" I yell "yeah i just let you sleep you seemed very tired "oh.....thanks..." I mumbled, he stood up and walked over to my side of the bed and reached out his hand I grabbed it and he pulled me up "Wanna go get lunch- Er or i guess breakfast?" He asks patting my shoulder "Yes!!!" I say excitedly and clapped my hands together a little, Wil just laughed a little at my slightly childish behavior 

We head down to his kitchen and grab some eggs and bacon and I proceeded to burn two eggs and Wilbur ended up having to help me. He turned some music on well we waited for the bacon to finish cooking we just sat in a peaceful calm listening to the music and checking the pan every minute or so

After maybe three more minutes the food was done and we each took a good amount of food and sat down at the table and ate. Quackity took our plates back to the kitchen then came back "Ducky!!-" "I TOLD YOU-" I got cut off "-Wanna watch a movie?!?" He says excitedly "sure!" Immediately forgiving him. And with that we went and sat on the couch "what do you want to watch?" He asks scrolling through some different movies "ummm? You pick!" I suggest "ok" after a few seconds i hear him say "This good?" He says clicking on a scary looking movie "u-um Yeah totally!!" I say with a cautious smile "you sure?" He ask genuinely worried "yup! 100% fine by me!" I say pulling a blanket up a little Further "if you say so..." He said starting the movie 

Roughly half way through the movie there was a really scary bit and i think Wilbur could tell i was scared he gently pulled me over to him and gave me a light kiss on the nose before scooting back a little "You sure i shouldn't change the movie?" He says his hand on my shoulder "No! It's fine" i say rubbing the back of my neck. " want cuddles?" He asks. My face turned a little pink as i nodded

..Timeskip brought to you by grass..

The movie finished and we decided to make ramen for dinner "Do you want to play Mario cart after this?" I suggest he nods. I just zone out and chow down my ramen

"Hellooo?" Wilbur says directly in my ear "ACH- DA HELL MAN?!" i say flicking his forehead "ow sorry geez" he says rubbing his forehead a-little. "anyway do you wanna play Mario cart?" I say standing up to take my bowl to the sink "YES!" he says quickly shooting up to follow me 

We set our bowls in the sink then we quickly run in to the living room and turning on Mario cart. I was winning for awhile but then a bot ended up winning most of the races. "Ready to go to bed?" Wil asked patting my back gently "yeah....." I said tiredly. Wil reached over and scooped me up and then proceeded to carry me up to my room and softly place me on my bed and cuddling up to me, and we fell asleep a few minutes later


Hello there readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and sorry it took so long for me to post i just didn't have much time and any time i did have i just didn't feel like it..again sorry for the wait and i hope you liked it!

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