Inside The Block

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Red landed on his back, hitting a hard surface. Still possessed, he stood up and looked around, the space was black but pulsed white, and returned to black. Herobrine noticed this colour change was similar to the pulsing of the combined Block. He figured they must be inside it.

Red picked up on this too, and hoped Skellington and the Titan Ravager were in there too. As they looked around, however, nothing was to be spotted.

"We appear to be inside the combined Block." Herobrine said, still looking around.
"How do we escape?" Red said.

For the first time, Herobrine actually paused to think of what to say.
"I... don't believe we do. Give me a moment."

Red waited for a few moments, before Herobrine began to speak again.
"Okay, so your Block was taken from the computer, yes?" Red nodded.
"So that means in order to stop the vortex and release us from here, the staff must be taken back through the portal to your computer."

Red grinned. "Genius! But do you think they'll be able to figure it out?"
"Sec- Orange most likely will. I believe there is more to him. He fought vigorously against me, and even restored some of his hearts while I was..." Herobrine stopped there.
"Now, he's fought against the king and doesn't seem tired at all. It looks as if he could keep going for another 2 hours. Keep a close eye on him - a hidden ability wouldn't surprise me."

Red looked shocked but he thought the same about how much he's been fighting and how fatigue just doesn't seem to be real for him.
"I will." He said.

"Good." Herobrine replied.
"Now,  I need background on what's going on. All I know is that the king is harming my students, and you and your friends."

"Well, it began when Blue went missing. He went into the Nether to look for, ugh, Nether Wart. We encountered a Witch, who we barely defeated because of.. of.. my pig, Reuben."

"A witch? Did she have potions that transformed you?"


"Oh, Hildegarde.. I will explain to her what happened when this is over. You may continue."

"So Purple took us to a parkour course, which is in that huge obsidian cube, where we were split up. I linked up with Orange, where we had a disagreement that turned into a heated argument, and fought in the desert. We managed to get to another player's computer, where we got back home. Purple was there, and tried to take the Minecraft Block. We almost stopped him but he took it through."

"He gave it to the king?" Herobrine stopped him.

"Yes." Herobrine nodded at this.

"So the king made a black hole, and I was trapped with my friends. Orange saved us using that player's Minecraft Block, and me and the gang fought Purple. Green chased after him into a portal and I got sucked into the portal to your school."

"And then you appeared randomly there." Herobrine was piecing things together.

"So I escaped with Endie and the others when you weren't looking, and we came back to the Nether. The king had the Minecraft Block, and it seems he took the staff from Orange, who now had a Warden. Spider took the staff and it had a gold block in it, so we fought against him there. I found out about the staff's powers to harness blocks, and used a netherite block to slam him thousands of blocks back."

Herobrine smiled. "You would excel at my school. I'm proud."

"So we had a moment to breathe, but he came back with both of the Minecraft blocks. I'm not sure how he got the second one or where it went, but we readied for battle again. He summoned dark versions of the mobs, and I was trapped in a corner. He took the staff, but Blue, Yellow and that really big Ravager appeared and got the staff back. Yellow had his own staff now, using the king's command block from the bastion."

"These staffs are interesting. Also, I've been studying Dark Mobs for a while, weird to find out they can be made." Herobrine interrupted once more.

"Cool. So anyway, we fought against the Dark Mobs while the three took on the king. We finished them off and fought the king all together, but I made a mistake and hit him with the staff. He just tanked the hit and grabbed me. However, Yellow grabbed me and threw me away for my safety, and I climbed the bastion tower which is now destroyed. The king combined the blocks and made the vortex with the staff, but Purple hit him and took the staff. We captured him but he used Yellow's staff to get his staff back, and he summoned that abomination."

"Then I arrived." Herobrine said.

"Yep." Red replied.

"Thanks. I'll inform Hildegarde of this, I hope she isn't mad."
Red chuckled.

"Hey, can we sit down for a bit? I'm exhausted." Red said.
Herobrine was unaware of Red's fatigue, so he apologized and sat down.

After a bit of silence, Red spoke up.
"We really need to find those guys."
"We will, trust me. If you decide to sleep here, I can control your body and look around this place."
"Doesn't that mean I lose all control?"
"Unfortunately yes, but I can give it back easily. Your body here in the mindscape will twitch when you want to return."
"Alright, thanks. By the way, how do you know this?" Red asked, curious.
"I've studied possession more than I'd like to admit." Herobrine looked away slightly.

Once Red gave up control, Herobrine began to look for Skellington and the Titan Ravager. He found a large cloud of smoke, which must have been his clones that were absorbed. After a while of searching, he found a large blue blur in the distance, which must have been the Titan Ravager. He teleported over and found the students, the Warden, and the Titan Ravager. 

"Red?" Skellington said.
"No, it's me Skelly. Red gave up control, he needs to rest." Herobrine replied.
"So, what was all that about?" Endie asked.
"I've.. had some experience with those sticks. It's a story for another time."

"What's the deal with the king guy?" Spider asked.
"To me it seems he's angry at something and blames Minecraft for it. It seems he feels deep sorrow inside. I can imagine the possibilities on why he wants to destroy our world."
"So we're all dead then?" Skellington asked him, worried.
"Not precisely. We're inside that Block."
"How do we get out?" Endie questioned.
"We don't. We need to be freed by Red's friends taking the Block back to their computer. I'm sure they'll figure it out."

Just then, the space around them began to pulse strangely.
"Looks like this is it. We'll be ejected from the vortex by the portal." Herobrine said.
"I hope they've defeated the king, and this isn't just a lucky escape." He pondered.

They all felt strange as their bodies contorted before being thrust away and back into the Nether.

The King - Red's PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now