Training Juliette

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Y/N Pov

I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was from seeing how she was always a sneeze away from tears or maybe it was because of the crying she would do at night when she thought the twins and I were asleep, maybe it was because she was only ever with Adam, and she wasn't even truly happy with him. But mostly I think it was because I saw myself in her: no parents, more power than she knows what she knows what to do with and ripped out of a life that wasn't exactly happy, but she had grown used to. So, one day after careful consideration I marched up to castle's office and asked to train Juliette Ferrers

"I want to train her" Castle looked away from a paper he was filling out, slowly took off of his reading glasses, tilted his head up to meet me watching him, thought for a moment, sighed. Then he finally spoke:
"Sit down Y/N, and you know you can't just barge into my office whenever you have a new groundbreaking idea" you remembered yourself and sat down into the chair you had been in all too many times then you mumbled out a quick apology.
"Sir I believe training Juliette Ferrers would be in everyone's interests; we both know she is doing nothing in that room except crying, injuring herself and wasting potential". You spoke in a calm confident voice even though it was unnecessary you knew the moment you proposed your idea he would comply.
"I have one question for you miss L/N" he leaned forward and raised an eyebrow just a fraction.
"When will you find time in your busy schedule to teach a very emotional teen girl how to use her powers when you barely know how to use yours"? damn that was uncalled for and an important question I didn't know how to answer. I responded with the first thing that came to mind:
"Kenji will help me" castle was shocked, and I was too.
"We will train together during my schedule and so will he along with her time to practice by herself. I believe that is more than enough time in a day to condition that girl into perfect shape"
Castle did not object
"We will train together during my schedule and so will he along with her time to practice by herself. I believe that is more than enough time in a day to condition that girl into perfect shape".
Castle did not object.
"Very well Y/N if you wish to do this, I will need to see Kenji agree to this, though I have no doubt you can convince him" I start to nod my head before he adds on,
"And neither of you can quit anytime soon Juliette needs all the friends she can get"
"Yes, sir we will start tomorrow" I turn to leave but before I open the door I hear
"Y/N do not push her to hard" I turn back to him, and I see a fraction of one of his rare genuine smiles

Kenji Kishimoto Pov:

In the agriculture center the only place in Omega point where there are no fluorescent lights, and you can hear the occasional cluck of a bird or moo of a cow I sit. Technically I am supposed to file a report on what's wrong and what can be done to help it, how much effort that will take etc. but I have discovered Castle will accept an oral report. So, it might sound weird to say but one of my favorite parts of the week is asking dan the older man that can turn dirt into a garden right before your eyes and Linda a kind lady who can communicate with animals how things are going so it is no surprise when Y/N finds me nestled amongst the radishes."Hey" she says
"What's up?"
"I may have signed you up for something that will take months, but you cannot quit"
"Hmmm" I raise my eyebrows in a you are going to need to give me more info than that look
"I volunteered to train Juliette but then I realized there aren't enough hours between curfew, so I volunteered you?" she asks it as if she is wondering about my reaction
"Ok but you can't do that to me!" I poke her in the side and she giggles
"Come on" I say standing and extending my hand towards her. I lead her to the dining hall because it is almost time for supper and today the whole squad sits together and discusses our monthly prank (that are mostly on Winston)
"I think we should empty everything out of his office" Brendan says
" I think we should dump water on him" Ian rebuttals
"Why don't we do both" I plot
"I can help us put everything back where it was, so he goes crazy" Lilly suggests
" I will levitate the water so when he looks up he gets more confused." Y/N volunteers. She and Lily high five across the table for having a similar idea. And then we all lean in and lower our voices as I explain.

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