First Sighting

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On the supposed day of his arrival, locals described a sudden change in atmosphere. Which they couldn't really pin point what it was. Spiritually most of them believed it to be the presence of the devil or some evil supernatural entity.
This strange man with a chilling serenity about him had just step foot into their island and for the following days would be a hazard to decipher.


George was this fairly old merchant that had moved to the island around the age of 7 with his now deceased parents. They were looking to escape the rush and anxiety of big city life, and an island with less than 1.4 k people seemed like a good choice to do that.
"They say you live more years in these small islands than out there with the so called civilisation, you know. Those fancy looking men come in here with their ladies all dressed up and pity our way of living like they are so above us, but one thing I can tell you my friend, up there in the skies there's no distinction between me and them."
The man with the pocket rose seemed almost interested, if it wasn't for his cold and numb expression.
"Don't worry, I'm not judging your intricate sense of style my friend. You seem like a good one, a real gentleman. You remind me of my uncle back in the land. He always wore a suit wherever he would go. God bless his soul. The ones that I really don't care for are the ones that come in the private boats ya know. I know I saw you coming off of a fishing a boat on the day you landed here. Ha! Wasn't that a vision!
Care to explain what happened to you to come on a fishing boat?" - he said as he cleaned some utensils with a cloth.
He obviously spoke too much, and the man in the suit with a red pocket rose spoke too little. Perhaps not too little, perhaps he never even spoke a word since his arrival.
"How's the coffee?" - George asked.
The man just blinked.
"I got you, you are a man of a few words." - George continued.
"Good morning, George." - Ava said with a bright smile.
"Good morning peach, what brings you here today? Did your paint already finish?"
"Hmm not really, although I was wondering if you had more painting tools around."
Ava was this brunette bronze looking island girl that spent her days in and out the beach, either swimming or painting the view. She was a self proclaimed artist with a dream that maybe one day her art would get some recognition on the mainland.
"Yeah we have some new ones, let me get them for you." - he said as he went to the back of the store to get them.
"Thanks, George." - she smiled again, but her smile soon faded as her eyes encountered the pale figure next to the counter. She recalled the day he first showed up.
She had only seen him from afar, since she had been painting the sky from the other side of the beach. When suddenly the weather became gloomy, she turned her head to a boat getting close to the sand and there she met his eyes. His gaze on her sent haunting chills down her spine. So haunting that she immediately felt an urge to escape. And so she did, she grabbed her things and ran as fast as she could to her house. She thought to herself when she finally felt safe << what a strange man>>.
Back at the store, you could tell she was intrigued by his peculiar presence and wanted to know more, nonetheless she also felt that she needed to be careful.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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