My Love, My Fury

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"When will you be back?" I whined into the phone. A deep chuckle sounded from the other end. "Soon, sithandwa sam. I'm sorry it's taken so long."

Shuri and I's second date had been postponed for going on two months. She had business that needed to be attended to back in the country she ruled and left Boston in a haste.

In the time she'd been gone, we'd grown much closer. Not an hour passed without a text, not a day without a call. It was lovely, falling in love with the sweet royal. I was just growing tired of the long distance.

"Yeah, hurry on up back so she can stop whining," Riri's voice sounded from between my thighs. I take the comb in my hand and pop her on the scalp. "Shut up," I say, roughly taking a handful of hair and cornrowing it tightly to her head.

"Owwww, ma! Geez, braid my hair, not my thoughts," she winces, throwing her hands up in pain.

"Why can't you just admit that you miss me?" Shuri asks Riri, fake hurt seeping into her words.

"I miss you, your highness," Riri seethes, knowing Shuri hates the royal titles. The Queen scoffs just as Okoye calls for her in the background. "I'll be back soon, my loves," she offers sweetly, then hangs up the phone.

The heat barely has time to travel to my cheeks before Riri teases "Wipe that blush from ya face."

I pout, "But it makes me look so cute," and I kiss the top of her head. She returns the gentle kiss to the inside of my thigh while my fingers continue to stitch a pattern into her hair.

"We should go out tonight," Riri speaks suddenly.

I pause. "Go out where?"

"I dunno, I just want to see you get pretty for me," she says with a quick bite to the same thigh she'd kissed just moments again.

"Ooh," I exclaim. "Let's go to Mjölnir!"

"What? That club downtown?"

"Yeah," I respond, legs bouncing in excitement. "We haven't been yet. We can even invite Honey and Iris. Make it a double date."

Riri releases my grip from her hair and guides my hand to her lips, planting a kiss on it. "Okay, ma," is all she says and I smile like a kid on Christmas Day.

My Ri's hair doesn't take long to finish, being braided back into her signature cornrows with a cute ass heart stitched into the side. She stands to admire my work in the mirror and returns to me with a grin so large, I know it hurts.

"Thank you, baby. Got me looking right," she sings to me, planting kisses all across my face. I let a giggle slip from my lips and grumble an mhm behind my smile.

I try to stand up and loosen the muscles that have been locked into place due to hours of sitting, but Riri pushes me back into the bed.

"Let me pick out your outfit, baby."

My brows raise at the request. "Riri," I start slowly. "Keep in mind we're going to a club, not church. You can't cover me up just because you don't want other people looking."

My Riri rolls her eyes. "I can do what I want," she states loudly with a big kiss on my lips. "But I got you." Another string of mumbled mhm's leave me and while Riri rummages through my closet, I text Honey the details for tonight.

It takes no time for them to reply with a thumbs-up emoji, followed by a quick 'See you at 9.'

I'm getting ready to shoot Shuri a text as well but Riri distracts me, dumping a pile of clothes onto my lap.

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