Indulgences, Bittersweet.

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"Even when the world ends I'll love you beyond the confines of space."

You were golden.

Mr. Goldfinger.

I love you, Mr. Goldfinger.

You speak your words, and I listen.

You claim to love 'til the end of time.

Despite all warning of your charmers snake tongue, I believe every word.

'He will pour gold words in your ear, He will become what you fear.'

The world screamed.

Yet, I love you.

I believe you, they can't tell me what I know.

But, what do I know? Do I really love you?

You paint me gold, and I shimmer in the light.

'A man with the Midas touch.'

And as I danced in your arms, I begin to panic.

My heart picking up in intensity and sweat beading my form.

"Dance for me."

You call to me and I do so without hesitation.

Is this really love? Where I submit and engage into your spoken word.

As the tempo rises so does my movement.

I watch the smile on your face, and it delights me to see you happy.

But, my body begins to stiffen and look to you for help.

You clap and smile.

I force mine and dance to my ability.

I shined.

I am the light of his eye.

Oh, Mr. Goldfinger.

I twirled as his begans to chant for me to continue.

"Look at you my queen, you are flawless."

He speaks his venom and I choke it back with joy.

Compliments so gentle.

They lace my skin as my breathing begins to shorten.

My chest begins to hurt,

My skin feeling like aged paper.

Tearing from the walls of the House of Ebony.

I was his queen, I couldn't let such imperfection hinder me.

Hand clasped against my chest, I press on in my dance.

He stands to join me and he hugs me for an intertwining of souls.

Yet, the embrace was of him overpowering me.

My soul, weakening and his growing in strength.

Mr. Goldfinger!

My eyes widen as his lips began their performance upon my skin of gold.


I whispered as I was powerless in his grasp.

He was suppose to love me.

He decorated my body in poison.

He loved me because his poison was perfection.

My body suffocated under the coating of gold's unrelenting grip.

My lover of Gold started his run of my body.

The deadness of my body prevented my fight.

A dance that took to his room of gold.

His hands were like fire against my cold skin.

My eyes allowed for me to watch him work upon me.

My being lifeless, my consciousness fading.


My words were uncapable of completion.

The pace of my heart slowed down to what I assumed sleep.

My eyes sluggish as his face met mine.

His lips meeting my frozen ones, I can see his joy.

I writhed in stillness as pain shot through my form.

And despite all of this, I still loved him even when he loved me wrongly.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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