my visions are true

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Maddie's pov

It's been a almost a year  since I meet Levi and we have become good friends but I think I want to be something more

Right now I am hanging out with my mom in her office when I get a call from Mick since he is the only one that knows who I am

On that phone

Hey Maddie I need help can you come to the power ranger base please Mick said

Ofc I'm on my way I said and then I head to the ranger base

Once I get there I see a redbot and Cody Hayley's dog

Hi how can I help I say with a smile on my face

You have a new power and we need to control so I am locking you down here until you can control it Mick said

But I'm a tribrid I said

Yes you are but you aren't until you can control when you turn into a wolf and vampire and you need to master your witch powers so I am going to have Preston help you with that and Sarah can help you with your wolf speed said Mick

Okay but what am I supposed to do when they are on missions I said

What do you mean said Mick

Oh I know who they are it's apart of my new power I see things when I touch things and when I first meet Levi  I touched the same book as him and I saw that him and the others are power rangers I also promised on my dead real family that I would not tell a soul about who they are I said

Okay you can stay here and train your powers in the junk yard out back of the work shop when the others train he said

So what about classes and what am I going to tell my mum I said

You will go to your classes and I already told your mum and she already knew since it was in the note you had in your basket when she found you on her doorstep she just never told you he said

Wait so mum knew all along and she didn't tell me .I have been lying to he go almost my whole life when I could just be telling her the truth I said

Yes but she said that she won't tell anyone and you are welcome to train here after school until dinner time he said

Okay I guess I could stay here but how am I going to tell the others I said

Oh they already know and they are willing to help he said

Oh so that's why you put Preston on helping with my witch powers and Sarah with my wolf speed.i said

Yes and the others can help you with figuring out what you can and can't do and eat since you are 3 different things and they eat different things Mick said

As I am practicing my witch powers the others come back and we get to training .

Hey Maddie ready to train your witch powers said Preston

Sure am I said

As I am practicing I ask Preston a question

Hey Preston can I ask you something I said

Yeah ofc what is it he said

I think I like Levi as more than a friend and I want us to be more but I don't know if he likes me like that so I was wondering if you can ask him who he likes  but don't tell him I asked you  I said

Okay I'll go and  ask him right now he said

Thanks pres I said then I went back to practicing my witch powers about a minute later Brody comes up to me and asks who I like and I say Levi not knowing he likes me too

Then I few seconds later Preston comes back and tells me that Levi likes me as more than a friend too

Levi's pov

It's been a week since I meet Maddie and we have become good friends but I think I want to be something more.

After we finished defeating the monster we head back to base and I see Maddie using her witch powers which isn't wired since we all know what she is and we are okay with it .we promised to help her and not tell a soul so on the rangers and her mum know.also Mick and redbot knows but that's about it .  

As I am training with Brody I ask him a question

Hey bro can I ask you something I said

Yeah ofc what is it he said

I think I like Maddie more than a friend and I want us to come something more but I don't know if she likes me like that.can you maybe go and ask her who she likes but don't tell her I asked you . I said

Yeah I'll go and ask her know he said

Then Brody goes and asks Maddie while Preston comes and asks me who I like and I a say Maddie not think that she likes me back

About 20 seconds later Brody comes back and tells me that Maddie likes me as more than a friend too so I think of how I can ask her on a date

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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