Chapter 1

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Jaylee's POV.

I'm so excited for the first day of school, it's my senior year and I want to make it memorable. I want to see my friends again, I wasn't really able to see them during the summer because I've been busy working saving for college and watching over my little sister Haylee and keeping my brother Andrew out of trouble. He is only 17, a year younger then me but he can get out of hand.

My mother has been on my ass about college, she wants me to attend the University of Washington but I prefer to go to WSU it's much smaller, and it's my decision of where I want to go.

I texted Alexandra this morning telling her if we could meet up at Starbucks before we head to school but I haven't heard from her yet. Alexandra is my best friend, we would practically do every thing together but not as much now ever since she started going out with Louis. Louis moved in to our school last year, and from the first day he got here Alexa called dibs on him. He was totally digging her and finally made it official after 5 months of talking.

After 20 minutes of waiting for a reply from her, she finally answered saying "Sounds great. (:" I finished getting ready and headed out.

The drive to Starbucks was quick, it's only like 10 minutes away from where I live and I had music on full blast. On the way here I was hoping Alexa would already be here waiting for me inside, but she is not. As usual. She is always late for everything, and when I mean everything I mean everything.

I ordered my coffee and took a seat. As I was waiting there in the booth besides the window waiting for Alexa, I decide to send Liam a Good Morning message and telling him I couldn't wait to see him again. Liam is my best pal and I love that kid to death. He's been an amazing friend theses couple years that I've met him. He's always so loving and generous.

He didn't take long to reply and said: "Good morning Jay, I'm here at school with the rest of the boys already where are you and Alexa, are you guys almost here? We can't wait too see you guys as well.(:"

As I was about to tell him that I was meeting up with Alexa at Starbucks but that she was late like always, she walks in screaming my name and embracing me in a tight hug. Awesome.

"Hey, omfg I've missed you so much you have no idea! oh and I'm sorry I'm late it's just that I was talking to Lou on the phone, on my way here." She says out of breath.

"Oh don't worry, but you should get your coffee and drink it on the way cause I don't want to be late on the first day of school." I tell her and she agrees.


"There you guys are! What took you guys so long, and Jay you didn't answer me back?" Liam says to Alexa and I as we walk into the classroom that we always met up at every morning last year with no judgement in his tone.

Fuck. I mentally slap my self for totally forgetting about replying back to Liam. I say hi and give a hug to Lou, Niall and Zayn before walking over to Liam and giving him the tightest hug and explaining why I forgot to reply back. He totally understood and laughed when I told him Alexa was late, and said "When isn't she."

We only had a couple minutes sharing how our summers went, when the school bell rang indicating that it was time to get our butts to first period. A week before school started all students had to come to school to pick up there class schedules, which was great because I had time to plan out my ways to the classes and luckily I had first, forth, sixth and seventh period with Alexa.

The boys went there separate ways and we all had decided to meet up in front of school to go somewhere to eat for lunch. Since We aren't big fans of school lunches.

Mine and Alexa's first class is photography which is awesome. Most of our classes are electives since we're seniors and don't have much required classes. We walk in and all the seats in the back and middle are taken already by juniors, sophomores and a couple seniors. Great. I look at Alexa and we both roll our eyes at the fact that we have to sit in the front row seats.

Couple minutes later, the teacher walks in and introduces himself as, "Mr. Ortega". I had seen this teacher around school and knew his name thanks to Zayn who would always complain about all the work he would make them do on computer, but I had never had any of his classes until now, so let's see how it goes.

The first minutes of class Mr.Ortega went around asking everyone to introduce them self's, say what grade they are in and at least 1 things they enjoyed about there summer. A kid named Jacob, grade 10th said he enjoyed seeing his father again after being separated for 5 years, which got to everyone and we told the kid we were happy for him.

When it got to Alexa's turn, she stood up and said; "My name's Alexandra Lopez, but I go by Alexa. I'm a senior this year and one thing I enjoyed about my summer was spending time with my family and boyfriend." Everyone clapped and I rolled my eyes at her and her mention of Lou, she sat down and sticked her tongue out at me.

I realized I was next. Oh my.

What was I going say? Nothing interesting happened to me this summer? All I did was work. I was about to get up and speak when the schools counselor walked into our class with a young guy next to her. I've never seen him around school so I think he's new this year I suppose. I got to admit he was very attractive and tall.

Mr.Ortega asked me to wait a bit, and walked over to where the counselor was standing with the new student.

"Well hello there Mrs.Tovar what a lovely surprise who Do we have here?" He speaks to her while pointing at the young guy standing next to her.

"My name is Harry, Harry styles Sr." The young guy spoke with such a beautiful thick accent....


Hope you guys like it!! I will be updating as soon as possible !

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