Chapter 3

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Jay's POV

I walked into the girls locker room still confused from why Harry was acting like that, but putting that all aside I went to my locker to put in my bag. The bell rang which instructed it was time to get to the weight training room.

Today we shouldn't be doing anything, it's the first day of school so it'll just be instruction and him explaining to us how not to mess around with the heavy things in the room because it can lead to serious injuries.

I look around the room trying to see if he came in here, but I don't seem to spot him. I go and sit next to some girls who introduce them selves as Amber and Marybeth they seem nice. They kept talking about the boys in the class and I tried to listen to what they were saying but my attention was on Harry and why he hasn't yet came in the class.

Finally, he walks in but doesn't seem to happy. I was about to get up and walk over too him when Mr.Fonseca walked in and instructed us to take a seat.

"Hello there students, this is weight training where you will be working out and no messing around" he says with a deep tone. "You will have to dress down Everyday!"

Once those words were out, I look over at Harry and he's already walking out of the class. Everyone turns around to notice him leaving.

"Young man, where are you going?" Mr.Fonseca asks Harry as he's walking towards the door to chase after him. "Young man!" He screams out.

Everyone in the room stays there but they didn't seem to care about what was going on. Only I did. What's with him and not wanting to dress down? Is he embarrassed ?

A couple of minutes go by, until finally Fonseca walks in looking a bit furious.

"Okay class sorry for that, let's continue with the instructions." He said while shaking his head in frustration.

I wonder what happened with Harry? Did something happen while they were out there talking? Fonseca was distracted the rest of the class. He gave us a small speech of how to be careful with the weights then the rest of the period he told us to walk around the room and get comfortable. He was just staring at the door. He looked sad... Confused and as if he wanted to cry?

I don't know what happened out there or what was said but I want to find out.

The rest of the day was okay, but I was thinking about Harry most of the time. I didn't see him at all since our fifth period. As Alexa and I walk to my car the guys are standing out side by Liam's car, and I see Harry standing next to Lou.

"Hey babes were heading out to get some drinks you guys want to go?" Zayn asks as we get closer to them. I catch Lou giving him a glare and I turn to Alexa and we both chuckle.

"No" I say at the same time Alexa says "yes". "I'll pass this time." I inform them.

" Oh come on Jay lets go have some fun, please the first day of school was exhausting you need a drink!" Alexa practically yells in my face.

" We didn't do anything today?" I say back to her. The boys laugh and say "that's true" "shots fired" and Alexa rolls her eyes and walks toward Lou.

"I should go I have to take care of My little sister." I tell the boys as I wave my hand goodbye.

I turn around and catch Harry staring at me. I had totally forgotten he was there, he hadn't spoken at all. I give him a small smile and in my surprise he returns the gesture and I could see his dimple.

I get in my car and start it up. I look through the side mirrors and he's still staring this way. Does he need something?

I ignore him, and head home. I stop by the super market and get some things I've been needing. It doesn't take me much long and in less then 10 minutes I'm out of the store.

I get home to finding my mom half drunk in the living, my brother not home, and Haylee crying in the corner... With a bruise in her face!

"Haylee what happened, who hit you? Was it mom! Where's Andrew?" I ask her but she's full on crying.

"Mom what the hell! Why are you drinking!!" I yell at her.

The door opens and Andrew walks in and shock is spread through his face. It takes him a couple of seconds to take it all in and he runs toward Haylee.

"What is going on here!?" He asks with anger in his tone. "Mother what did you do!" He looks at her then back at Haylee.

"Shh-eee wouldn't ooo-bbee-yyy" my mother says in between her teeth from all the alcohol she drank.

"So you hit her!! What is wrong with you mother!" Andrew screams at her.

"Haylee lets go get you some ice and take you to your room." I pick her up and help her walk to the kitchen and she's still full on tears.

"He's Back!!" I hear my mother tell Andrew. Who? Who's back?


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