Captain America: Return of the Stones

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Steve teleports back to 2012 to return the Time Stone to the Ancient One.

Ancient One was looking over the city when she heard a strange sound, then she looks over her shoulder to see a blonde haired man walking towards her. She immediately goes into her fighting stance.

Steve: Don't worry, I'm no threat, I'm just here to return the stone that my friend Bruce Banner borrowed from you.

Steve opens the suitcase and reveals the green glow of the Time Stone.

Ancient One: Thank you so much for protecting the stone and our reality, I will never forget this.

She takes the Time Stone carefully and places it in it's rightful place The Eye of Agamotto,

Steve waves goodbye and she nods her head.

Steve then teleports to Asgard in the year 2013.

Thor is in the guest room with Jane sitting down next to her. Then suddenly Steve appears in the room and Thor immediately starts questioning him.

Thor: Steve, what are you doing here? How did you get here?

Steve: Hey, its okay calm down, i'm just here to return something to you,

-Steve opens the suitcase and reveals the Reality Stone, the Stone automatically melted into Jane's body. Jane automatically passes out and Thor catches her mid-fall and while that is happening Steve teleports to the planet Morag in 2014,

Steve takes out the power stone and puts in the container type shield, Steve then teleports back to New York City in the year 2012 and to the Stark Tower then places it next to Captain America's body and teleports out of there.

Steve then teleports to New Jersey in 1970, Cap returns to the location of tesseract and places it back into the safe then grabs 3 vitals and teleports to the final location of the Soul Stone on the planet Vormir in 2014.

Steve follows the stairs that lead up to the mountain. The place is silent, so silent that you can hear the air flowing around him. Steve continues his journey up the mountain until he gets to the very top. He walks over to the edge and overlooks where Natasha gave her life.

Red Skull - Many have ventured here, and very few have returned.

Steve turns around

Red Skull- So do tell me, why are you here?

Steve- I'm returning the stone.

He opens up his suitcase and grabs the soulstone and holds it out in front of him.

Red Skull- How did yo-

Steve- My friend gave her life for this, I want a trade. The stone for Natasha.

Red Skull- Ahh yes I do remember her venture here, the widow and her friend fought over who would give up their life.

Red Skull moves behind Steve

Red Skull- And in the end she fell to her miserable death as her friend came home with the stone.

Steve clenches his hand into a fist

Red Skull- But yet you seek my help to bring your friend back, she must've been very important to you.

Steve turns around

Steve- She was... and she still is.

Red Skull- A soul for a soul is the only way Steve Rogers

Steve walks to the edge of the mountain and looks down.

Red Skull- Giving your life will bring your friend back.

Steve- (under his breath) A soul for a soul.

Steve puts down the suitcase and prepares to jump.

Red Skull- This is the only way as he walks up to him from behind.

Steve with his eyes closed opens them with anger and turns around to grab Red Skull and launches him from the cliff. Red Skull yells all the way down until he is no longer heard. Steve looks down and sees him lying at the bottom dead as a blast from down below shoots up. So overpowering Steve is knocked to the ground. Struggling to get up he notices the Soul Stone has vanished.

Natasha- Steve?

Steve turns around and sees Natasha standing in total shock. He runs to her and with tears in his eyes and they hug.

Natasha- Did we win?

Steve: Yes we did, Thanos is gone.

Natasha smiles and holds Steve's hand-

Natasha: Let's go home. -she says with a smile-

Steve: Actually we got a pit stop to make.

Natasha: To where?

Steve: I wanna introduce you to someone.

-Natasha & Steve teleport to Peggy's front door in the year 1945

-Steve opens the door and sees Peggy working on some paperwork and then she hears the squeak of the door closing then looks up-

Peggy sees Steve and Natasha standing by the front door. Her eyes fill up with tears as she walks over to Steve and looks directly into his eyes.

Steve: Ready for that da-

Peggy slaps Steve across the face and in astonishment he turns his head back around and Peggy gives a slight smile trying to keep herself together as she grabs a hold of him and gives a lasting hug.

Peggy: I-I thought you were

Steve: I'll explain everything to you but first I want you to meet a great friend of mine.

-Steve steps out of the way- Peggy this is Natasha, she's my co-worker.

Natasha: Hi Peggy, Steve has told me alot about you.

Peggy: Hi Natasha -smiles- -looks at Steve once again-

Peggy: Where have you been?

-Peggy looks very confused-

Steve: I'll explain everything, just come with me.

Peggy: Where?

Steve: Home.

-Peggy still looks confused but trusts Steve with her life-

Peggy: Okay, should we take my car?

Natasha: -chuckles- We don't need that.

-Steve holds both of their hands-

Steve: Ready?

Natasha: Ready.

Peggy: Ready for what?

-Steve teleports them back to the Present

Returns back to the year 2023:

-Steve, Natasha and Peggy arrive-

-Steve looks around and notices everyone is gone-

-Steve goes inside the house and tells Natasha and Peggy to wait on top of the basement stairs and goes to the basement where everyone is

- Steve: Hey guys what's going on?

-Steve sees Tony as a hologram- Steve: Tony?

Tony: Hey Cap -smiles-

Steve: H-how?

Hulk: It's a long story.

Steve: Oh speaking of long stories -Steve yells up the stairs- Steve: You guys can come down now!

-Natasha & Peggy walk downstairs-

Clint: Nat?

-Hawkeye has tears in his eyes and runs to her and hugs her-

Steve: Guys there's someone I would like you to meet.

Steve: Avengers, meet Peggy Carter.

-everyone smiles and welcomes her with open arms-

The End.

Captain America: Return of the StonesWhere stories live. Discover now