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No ones pov

It was Christmas eve and y/n still hadn't returned to his dorm. He was infact asleep in jisungs bed wearing some of his boyfriends clothes while the group were in the living room discussing the schedule for after the weather cleared up.

" so, what order are we doing this in? Age order?" Asked minho

" age sounds good" hyunjin nodded

The boys agreed

" perfect, now to figure out what activities we will be doing with him " bangchan said " I'll be the first so ill start. I'll be taking him shopping,  buying him everything and anything that brings a smile to his face"

" you are a true father " joked seugnmin

" whatever "

" ok, since I'm second . I will take him on a walk. Sounds boring but he's loved peaceful walks since we were what? Twelve?" Minho announced

" cool" changbin replied " I'll take him to the best restaurants where we will eat till we cant eat anymore"

" very in character " hyunjin smirked " any way, I'll be painting with him. We are both artists, should be fun and potentially therapeutic "

Jisung spoke up " I'll make it a little break from activities and take him to--"

" the fair down the road. Yeah we know simp" minho cut him off

" I'll do cooking and baking with him, he said he loved making lemon drizzle cupcakes. I just need the supplies " felix continued

" I'll get them for you baby " said hyunjin " after the whole blizzard thing has calmed down of course"

" thanks hun"

" fuck it, I'm taking him pet shopping and paying for whatever animal he chooses. He is constantly talking about wanting a pet" said seungmin

"  perfect, that leaves me. I will take him on a nice long bike ride" jeongin smiled

" alright everyone " bangchan clapped his hands together once "mark the dates I tell you in on your phones . The blizzard is going to clear up on the 27th , so I'll have them on the 28th, minho the 29th, binnie the 30th, hyunjin on the 31st but obviously later in the day we are gonna be here celebrating new year so dont tire yourselves out to much, jisung the 1st, felix the 2nd,  seungmin the 3rd and finnaly jeongin the 4th."

" perfect " smiled felix

Just then y/n walked through rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning .

" what are you doing up?" Asked minho sincerely

" I don't know " he yawned " my dream was boring so I woke up and came here"

" how do you wake up on command " changbin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

Y/n shrugged and sat between bangchan and hyunjin on the sofa

" so, we've all planned out what our days with you are gonna be like" bangchan informed him

" chan dont tell him what we're doing. Itll be a surprise " minho stopped him from carrying on

" ok" the aussie replied " anyhow , what are we doing tommorow for Christmas day?"

" I dont know " said jeongin " presents ,Christmas dinner then....  sleep?"

" sounds good, though. I have no clue what half the people in here want so, If you get something random, sorry in advance" hyunjin admitted

" that's ok hyunjin" y/n sat up properly " oh, and guys. I dont expect any of you to get me anything considering we are all gonna have a day out each, so I wont be offended if theres nothing "

" of course I've got you something" said minho and jisung  in sync,  the group laughed

They all continued to talk about christmas , extatic about the holiday.

The group couldn't wait for it to be Christmas

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