The Wolfboy studio is shown to be in high spirits as people, familiar and unfamiliar, walk in one by one, including the Nintega All-Stars. The room in use had tables filled with drinks and snacks lined up as a celebration seemed to be afoot. Among one of the many groups stood Shadow and Nintega as they both had a drink in hand and were conversing with each other.
TheNintegaGuy: Man, I'd say that we've got quite the turnout here, huh Shadow?
shadowlight2784: You're telling me. This could give a frat party a run for its money in terms of attendance.
He then turns his head to the left and right as he eyes the whole area briefly.
Shadowlight2784: Sooo... can you remind me again of what we're celebrating exactly?
Nintega facepalms in reply.
TheNintegaGuy: Dude, you don't remember? Jordan's about to reach one thousand followers.
Shadowlight2784: Wait, seriously?!
He checks Jordan's Wattpad and sees that he's only one away from reaching the aforementioned number of followers.
Shadowlight2784: W-Wow...
He sheds a small tear with a smile.
Shadowlight2784: They grow up so fast...
TheNintegaGuy: What?
Shadowlight2784: Nothing, nothing! I guess I was too focused on my PCU to realize this.
TheNintegaGuy: PCU?
Shadowlight2784: Pony Cinematic Universe.
Nintega nods understandably to that.
TheNintegaGuy: Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You're here to help celebrate it, so that's the important thing.
Shadowlight2784: I guess. Is Jordan gonna show up soon?
TheNintegaGuy: Dunno. Let's go find him.
He suggested as they started looking for their blue colored friend in the crowd. It didn't take much searching though as they almost immediately found him. He was sitting by himself while gazing at his phone with the Wattpad app open, a face of worry could be found on him. Nintega and Shadow got closer until they were right in front of Jordan who hadn't noticed them approaching the whole time.
Shadowlight2784: You doing alright there, pal?
His voice snapped Jordan from his trance and he looked up to his two friends that stood before him.
Jordanwolfboy9743: Huh? O-Oh, yeah! I'm uh... I'm doing just fine.
Shadow and Nintega noticed the tone of his voice as they were able to sense a form of downcast in it.
TheNintegaGuy: That doesn't sound like someone who's happy about reaching 1k followers. Something on your mind?
Shadowlight2784: *groan* You didn't invite the hellspawn, Juni-
He's interrupted by himself coughing all of a sudden as he took a few seconds to wait for it to subside.
Shadowlight2784: S-Sorry. I think I felt my soul temporarily leave my body there for a second from trying to mention... her name. *shudders*
TheNintegaGuy: *chuckles* I see that happens to you too. You're not alone, Shad.
Shadowlight2784: She *coughs* is not a force of nature to mess with.
Author's Notes with Jordanwolfboy
RandomJust a compilation of my random thoughts and ideas about whatever. Feel free to check it out.