Chapter 2. Getting Ready

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Sophie woke up to someone shaking her. 

5 more minutes.... Sophie mumbled.

Come on get up already it's noon and we want to get shopping done! Biana said pulling me off the bed.

Ugh fineeeee. Sophie groaned getting up.  Just let me get ready and I'll be down soon. 

Okay! Biana said walking out of the room.

Sophie Outfit she put no makeup

Sophie Outfit she put no makeup

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Sophie got ready quick and grabbed a lot of money to get credit cards.

Hey guys sorry I slept in. Sophie said.

It's okay we did too. Linh said blushing.

Okay well we need to go shopping but first find an ATM. I  will get us credit cards which is like lusters just human money. Sophie said.

Their outfits

Linhs Outift

Linhs Outift

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