Chapter 2

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Hello guyss

This is the updated version of Chapter 2!!

Happy new year we hope 2023 is better than 2022.  Enjoy!!!

 "At times I'm a mystery to myself."

(Areums POV)

"Wangsejabi is entering the room."

After announcing my presence the doors open revealing my sick grandma, lying lifelessly on her bed. Walking in, I sit beside her. I took this chance to examine any changes that may have occurred since I last checked up on her. Her face said it all... Her skin had a ghostly tone, her cheekbones were unhealthily defined, and I could tell more of her hair had been lost.

She had not gotten any better.

"Halmeonnim, would you like me to get you your medicine from the town?" I said, hoping she'd agree.

She began to cough, so I ordered the maid to give her some water. She looked up at me with her piercing gaze - it always asserted this kind of dominance onto me.

"Do you take me for a fool? I know exactly why you wanna go there." She said with a raspy but weak voice.

I, however, could not utter any words so I sat there in silence. I looked up to see her staring directly into my eyes. Before I could even think of the words to say, she began to speak again.

"What are you waiting for? Do you want me to die here?" Halmeonnim said with a breathy chuckle.

My ears perked up and my eyes lit up as if I were a dog hearing its most favourite words. Bowing quickly, I stood up to exit the room.

Halmeonnim always just happens to know what I'm thinking. On most occasions, it's a blessing, but sometimes, it can be a curse. 



My eyes wander around the lively market; people are yelling and laughing. Everything felt so refreshing and alive... something you could never feel back at the palace.

My feet wander on their own while my guards discreetly but casually follow me in disguise. Looking up, I see a bundle of villagers crowding around something. Curious, I began shoving and pushing past people to see what all this chaos is about.

"Look, everyone! The Royal Family of Jinwon shall be allowing trades again!"  The messenger of the town said.

"Strange, I need to clarify that..." I thought to myself.

I continued to stroll through the markets, intentionally straying away from my bodyguards. As I started to increase my pace, my bodyguards exclaimed:

"Your Highness, please stay with us! As you know this is Yangdong; the border village between Jinyoung and Jinwon."

Without saying a word, I quickly but calmly walked away to avoid any unwanted attention from other villagers. I eventually found my destination and began walking towards the well-known herbalist. I'd say that I'm a regular due to the countless times I've bought medicine from him. However, I don't think that is something to necessarily be proud of. After catching up with the herbalist, I finally purchase the medicine and give him a smile as I walked away.

"Mama, should we also buy clothes and jewellery?" Spoke to my maid and only friend, Dal-Mi. Scoffing, I look at her weirdly thinking she must be out of her mind. Someone would definitely recognise me. I'd rather be silently judged about the hideous cloak I'm wearing to disguise myself than to be suffocating among crowds of people trying to talk to me.

Suddenly, what appears to be an old man who looks like he's from a noble family bumps into me causing me to lose my balance for a split second.

"Hey! Watch where you're going." He spoke looking offended.

His seemingly youthful but deep voice surprised me. Since his face was hidden from his cloak (that sort of looked like mine; we probably shopped at the same cloak market), I couldn't actually tell what he looked like or how old he was. Maybe he wasn't actually old. Regardless, that's no excuse to carelessly bump into royalty.

"I'm sorry Ahjussi, but maybe if you yourself opened YOUR eyes, you could also watch where you're going, instead of being such a pest to everyone and expecting everyone to move out of your way just because you're old," I said clearly annoyed at him.

As he stood there stiff in shock, I took a moment to really look at the only part of his face that wasn't hidden. His eyes. His eyes were the only thing that wasn't covered by a mask or his cloak. They were beautiful and as captivating as a full moon. It somehow caught me off, guard. I couldn't look away. However, I noticed that he wasn't looking at my face, but...

... a little lower.

"DON'T LOOK THERE YOU CREEP! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? What would your wife and kids think if they knew you inappropriately stare at girls who are certainly too young for you?!" I yelled while covering my chest.

I grabbed Dal-Mi and frantically ran to go back to the palace.

(Dongmin's POV)

"Her arm... the moon tattoo... it's her."

I finally found her.

To be continued... 

Happy new year once again <3 

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