Chapter 2

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"Do you want to dance?"

Katie’s face lights up in the cutest smile Niall had ever seen and she nods. Niall grabs her hand and leads her to the dance area. Katie immediately starts swaying to the music, entrancing Niall. He almost forgets to dance until she presses herself against him. He snakes his hand down her waist to hold her in place as they grind to the music. Niall can’t help the small grin that forms on his face.

Sierra pushes off some drunk guy who tried to grab her while they were dancing.

    “Don’t fucking touch me!” she yells at him and stalks away.

The vodka bottle only had half of it left and Sierra was feeling the effects. She looks down at her boots as she tries to step over some people passed out in the hallway.

Someone stops right in front of her, someone with his own set of boots. She slowly trails her eyes up from the boots to the black skinny jeans, to the white tshirt covered by a leather jacket. Her eyes go further to the tangle of necklaces, up his neck and finally to his face.

She makes eye contact with none other than Zayn.

    “Well hello there, Baby Doll,” Zayn smirks at Sierra.

Sierra rolls her eyes at him. “Is that what you call all the girls you try to pick up?”

    “Nope. Only you, Baby Doll,” Zayn states matter of factly. Oddly enough, he was telling the truth.

Sierra is a little taken aback and tries to step around Zayn. She loses her balance and Zayn quickly reaches out and puts his hand on her waist to steady her.

    “You shouldn’t be wandering around in this state,” Zayn mutters.

    “I do what I want,” Sierra slurs.

    “C’mon. Stay with me, alright Baby Doll?” Zayn asks, his hands still on Sierra.

She looks up at him and her body starts to hum. She didn’t know whether it was the alcohol or Zayn just hypnotizing her, but she found herself nodding and allowing Zayn to wrap an arm around her waist and lead her down the hallway.

As they walk, Sierra finds herself leaning more and more onto Zayn. His smell was intoxicating. A mix of deep cologne, maybe Gucci, and cigarettes. There was a hint of something lighter, maybe fabric softener? She was tempted to smell his shirt but her logical mind convinced her that was a bad idea.

    “Let’s go play some poker!” Zayn exclaims as they walk past and then backtrack to a room full of poker players. He had to bid his time until Aiden showed his face again.

    “I don’t know how to play poker,” Sierra admits, discretely breathing in Zayn’s musky scent.

    “That’s okay, Baby Doll. I can help you,” Zayn replies and takes them into the room.

All the players look up and recognize Zayn. Sierra giggles because they all look scared of him. He sits himself in a chair and situates Sierra in the one next to him.

    “Hello lads,” Zayn greets them all with a nod.

    “Hi Zayn.”

    “Hello Zayn.”

They all say their greetings.

    “Are you a pimp now too?” one of the players asks, boldly. Sierra can’t help but roll her eyes.

Zayn stares daggers at him,” she is not for any of you. I am just taking care of her.”

The guy sitting next to Sierra wasn’t really paying attention, he was staring at her boobs. He reaches out and places his hand on her bare thigh. Sierra gives him a look of disgust and opens her mouth to reprimand him.

Zayn beats her to it. He is out of his seat in a flash and knocks the guy away from Sierra,” Don’t touch her.”

    “Sorry man. I thought you had brought us a present for once,” the guy on the floor apologizes.

    “Are we gunna play or what?” Sierra whines, picking up some cards and looking at them, the image slightly blurring from the alcohol. 

    “Since we’ve got her here, can we at least play strip?” a guy squeaks.

Zayn turns to him from his seat, and the guy shrinks back.

    “Yeah! That’ll be fun!” Sierra agrees with a grin and without thought.

Zayn just shakes his head but let’s the game begin.

He was able to get Sierra to not lose for the first few rounds. But then she stopped listening to him.

    “Looks like you lost, Baby Doll,” a guy comments.

Sierra holds her finger up. “No. Only Zayn can call me Baby Doll!”

    “Sorry. What do you want us to call you then?”

    “I am a lost Spanish princess,” she states for an answer and then giggles to herself. Zayn smirks, wanting to laugh at her ridiculous answer but not dropping his bravado around the guys.

    “Well then, Your Highness, you still have to remove an article of clothing,” the guy without a shirt on says.

Sierra scoffs,” Peasants.” She takes her leather jacket off. “Happy?”

    “Not quite yet,” the perv next to Sierra murmurs. She flips him off, making Zayn laugh.

Another couple rounds in, Zayn spent so much time convincing Sierra to listen to him that he is without his leather jacket and about to loose his shirt.

    “And... Zayn. Ouch, beating you is something I never thought I would experience,” a guy comments. He only had his boxers on at this point.

    “Yeah, yeah,” Zayn mutters and then goes to take his white t shirt off.

Sierra had just grasped the fact that Zayn was going to be shirtless and wasn’t fully ready.

He took his shirt off, the way that only boys do, and reveals a bunch more tattoos. Sierra almost started to drool. She stopped that from happening but she couldn’t bring herself to tear her eyes away from his caramel colored skin. She traces his tattoos with her eyes, starting at his half sleeve and working up to his shoulders and collarbones. He had the most beautiful set of shoulders and collarbones that she had ever seen, broad and muscled. He was lanky but muscular and Sierra had to resist touching him.

    “It’s rude to stare, Baby Doll,” Zayn whispers, breaking Sierra of her trance.

She grins. “You’d stare if I took my shirt off.”

He chuckles,” Can’t argue with that.”

Sierra has sobered up a little bit and decides to go at it her own in the next round.

She loses much to Zayn’s dismay. The other guys around the table were whooping and hollering,” Take it off! Take it off!”

Sierra rolls her eyes at them and moves to take her shirt off. They fall silent and watch intently, then yell once she throws her shirt into the middle of the table.

    “Happy Boys?” she asks, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair. She could feel Zayn’s eyes on her as they had been the minute she lost.

    “Lose one more round, baby. Then I will be happy,” some guy says.

She finally turns to look at Zayn. He was still staring at her. She was tan, but not as tan as Zayn. He spied a tattoo of a rabbit on her rib, partially covered by her colorful bra. Her long hair was partially concealing her body, cascading down like a shiny mess of copper, brown, and gold. It hid the other tattoos Zayn thought he had seen a glimpse of. 

    “It’s rude to stare, Zayn,” Sierra chides him with a grin.

He takes his eyes off her body to meet hers. “I’d gladly take a picture, instead.”

Her cheeks blush prettily, making Zayn grin. She looks back at her cards and only sneaks peeks at him when he isn’t looking.

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