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you couldn't be happier when finn announced that it was getting late and elsie and he should probably head home. but you loathed the way finn phrased it. he made it sound as if they both were... married.

feigning cheeriness, you waved both of them off. you met eyes with finn—unfortunately, he could not see through your façade, as his eyes glistened in happiness, fingers intertwined with his girlfriend's. elsie also grinned back at you, but it seemed highly insincere. it was as if she was sneering at you, boasting how she'd won over the boy you so deeply liked.

although it was seconds, it seemed like it took both of them hours to leave. checking the time—you saw your shift had ended. you could now huddle up in your blankets and sob your heart out.

and so, before your legs decided to fail you, you ran out the door.

the only thing you could hear was your ragged breaths and the sound of your shoes hitting the pavement. your vision was blurry with tears, and soon you felt something wet fall on top of you. looking up at the sky, something wet landed in your eye. raindrops. it was raining—and boy, was it raining hard.

the world was not in your favour today, was it?

you arrived home, completely soaked and dripping wet. you shivered in the cold. throwing your clothes off, you entered your bathroom and prepared a warm bath for yourself.

you did a mistake by looking into the mirror you kept in your washroom. you looked at the girl in the mirror. she looked miserable. it was obvious she cried—the mascara running down her cheeks proved that. the mascara she had put on for a particular boy to impress. but that boy was already infatuated with another girl. a prettier girl, who was bolder and better. she had a shit-ass personality, but so what? as long as she didn't show her true colours, the boy would love her. and he did. and this miserable girl had to stand there, watching it all happen. it was partly her fault. was being too shy to confess worth a bitch dating him instead?

but he was happy. so happy. would finn ever be that happy with you? would the smiles he give you ever be as heartfelt as the ones he gave to elsie?

you couldn't take it anymore. you sat down on the floor, feeling the warm water falling on your back. you placed your chin on your knees, arms hugging your legs. and you stayed in that position, for a long while. the only sounds you could hear were the water falling, your occasional sniffles, and midway your phone rang. you assumed it was olivia, who kept shooting you worried glances during the outing. you ignored her calls, and soon, they silenced.

but the loudest sound of all was the sound of your heart breaking.

after taking a two-hour-long shower, you snuggled into your bed. the shower helped you a lot, and it eased your thoughts. sighing, you checked your phone. a small smile rose to your lips as you saw that indeed, it was olivia who was calling you. she had also spammed you with a bazillion messages. bless her caring heart. instead of answering all the messages she sent you, you decided to call her.

"y/n!" olivia immediately attended your call, as if she had been waiting for it. "are you alright? sorry that i didn't go up to you before, you just left so quickly and i thought you needed space—"

"it's fine, liv," you cut in. "yeah, you guessed right. i did need a bit of space, sorry for not attending your call earlier."

"don't you dare apologize to me, missy," olivia joked in a manner that made you smile. but, then her voice lowered to a serious tone. "that girl—she wasn't really, well, y'know, right?"

"no, liv," you deadpanned. "he's dating her."

you heard a small "oh" on the other line.

after a few seconds of silence, olivia spoke. "ah, y/n, i'm sorry."

"it's fine," you told her. "i'm better. i'll... i'll get over it. 'twas just a crush. actually, i'm just being dramatic. haha, i'll be fine, liv."

olivia paused, as if thinking how to reply. "if you say so. well, are you up for a movie night? binge-watching some tv shows? i'll bring the food. popcorn. your place. hm?"

you knew liv was doing this to help you, but you were tired today. "ah, sorry, liv. not today. i wanna take a 12 hour nap."

"it's fine, don't apologize darling!" olivia cheered. it made you smile how she didn't mind that you turned her down. she was supportive as hell, and you loved her for it.

"thanks, olivia. i love you. see you at work tomorrow."

"bye, y/n! i love you too."

and with that, you hung up. your eyelids drooped, as you snuggled further into your bed beneath the blanket. sleep consumed you.

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