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The blue shoe was on the sidewalk next to the road leading to Ashtonville... Jane, a beautiful 18-year old, was walking down the road her parents, Patricia and Justin, always warned her not to return home. Patricia, a blonde lawyer with a slender waist in her 40s, always classy and without too much makeup, is a pretty strict mother. Discipline and respecting the rules are typical for lawyers. Patricia's mother was also the lawyer so that profession isn't strange for Patricia at all – moreover, she became outstanding in it. Jane's father, Justin, is almost totally different than his wife. At first, strict and crude but in effect very caring. Every time he tried to give her a constructive criticism Jane would get lost in his dark-blue eyes and couldn't take him seriously. Whenever some of her school friends asked her about her father, she would always describe him as „the most charming writer in the town“. All of her friends could recognize him really easily – Justin has all characteristics of the writer, from looks, dressing style to behavior. His black curly hair would look greasy very often and the sweater he would wear every day began to lose its original color.
Jane noticed her backpack was unzipped, which in this moment was pretty unusual because she didn't stuck for anything. As soon as she turned to reach for her backpack that was hanging on her back, Jane noticed someone's feet in black worn boots standing right behind her. When she raised her head she saw nothing but horrendous foginess that had covered her dark green eyes.
This was Jacob's third victim. He was already pretty tired of all the miles he had walked to catch her. After taking her in his arms like a sack that a builder cruelly carries he set off for Ashtonville. Only a few dried trees and a bunch of street signs that neither the locals nor the stray tourists obeyed could be seen on the road he was taking in somewhat arrogant way and with big steps. Jane was still unconscious. He had been carrying her for an hour but the entrance to a small town in northwest of America wasn't even in sight. The blue shoe fell off Jane's foot utterly imperceptibly. Jacob wondered what time it was.

„It's probably no later than 3 pm.“ – he mumbled.

He finally stopped to take a rest. Even while resting he didn't let Jane out of his arms. Now he was holding her over his shoulder like a small child.

„Goddammit with these miles! A car would come in handy for this...“ – he thought.

Annoyed, he took the last cigarette he had left out of his pocket and lit it.

„If she wakes up before we get to the house, she'll make me a problem“ – he gruffly said while looking at relaxed body of the young girl.

He threw a half-burned cigarette on the street and kept walking to the town. The sun began to hide behind the clouds that foreshadowed a major storm. Jacob hurried.

„We're almost there“ – he said while looking at young girl's pale face. He walked for another half hour until he finally reached the house.

„Help! Help us!“ – a voice echoed from the basement.

„Shut up, you blabber! Nobody can hear you here!“ – Jacob shouted.

Then he unlocked the basement door where the other two young girls were staying and roughly put Jane down. In the next moment, he was looking at the bowl of dog's food.

„What is this, you ingrates?! You don't wanna eat? You'll beg for food, you little sh*ts!“ – he shouted in a deep voice.

He approached Amanda, a 20-year old blue eyed brunette whose eyes have always radiated positivity. The next second, he grabbed her messy hair, pulled her closer and punched her in the face. The young girl fell down. Then Jacob started kicking her in the stomach. He kicked her until she started vomiting blood. Then he picked her up and grabbed her arm. Christie was quietly watching because she knew the same thing would happen to her. Jane started waking up.

„Listen to me, you filthy... When I come back, I don't want to see any food left!“ – he said looking at Christie.
„You gotta have energy, you're about to experience a lot more with your Jacob.“ – he continued excitingly.
„You've been here only for a year, and you'll stay here.“ – he finished his speech as he was closing the basement's door. It started raining. Amanda was barefoot. He was tugging her violently and with a smile on his face.

„You and me are going to have some fun.“ – he whispered.

The tortured young girl couldn't utter a single word. A body covered in bruises, blood and scars was giving up on her. He took her to a special part of the house, a room he called „Alarm room“. That room was intended for victims who would offer resistance all over again. In the middle of the room there was an old wooden chair and above it, on the ceiling, there was a rope. Amanda gathered some strength and yelled:

„Leave me alone, you bastard!“

Jacob, now completely calm, grabbed Amanda and put the rope around her neck and then sat down on the chair and lit a cigarette. She knew what was coming. They went through this dozens of times already. He moved closer to Amanda and grabbed her right arm. He enjoyed listening to her groan while creating cigarette scars all over her body all the afternoon. When he finally finished, he took her back to the basement – to Christie and Jane. As soon as he opened the door, Jane ran towards him trying to attack him. She was punching him in the chest but Jacob stayed calm.

„Who are you?! Let me out!“ – she was yelling at him.

„Look at her!“ – Jacob raised his voice pointing at exhausted Amanda. „Do you want the same?!“ – he continued. „It would be better for you to shut your mouth!“ – he said pushing her away.

Then he looked at the bowl of dog's food which was totally empty now.

„Nice job, Christie.“ – he smiled and looked at Jane once again.
„Jane, let Christie be your role model and you'll be fine. There's no way out from here for you. The sooner you accept it, the better you'll feel.“, and continued: „One more thing – don't you try ask for help. Nobody can hear you here.“ – Jacob finished in a calm voice.

Jane knew that resistance wouldn't make any change but she didn't plan on giving up. She's a fighter. A brave young girl. She inherited those virtues from her mother Patricia. Jane was ready to fight Jacob although she didn't even know him. Jacob, black-haired 45-year old with a great shaped body, doesn't look similar to any other man from Jane's neighborhood. At times not even Jacob himself knew if he belonged there. Muscular body and mystical look – that's what he was most recognizable for. Jacob's mother passed away when he was only 7 and his father abandoned him for his 10th birthday. His grandparents raised him the way they could until he came of age. Their neighbors always wondered why Jacob was such a dark guy. Nobody had the answer. He had only one girlfriend with whom he had been in a long-term relationship and when she left him he moved into a small house in Ashtonville.

„Who are you?! Why did you kidnap me?!“ – Jane shouted.

„I didn't kidnap you. You belong here.“ – Jacob replied.

„My mother is a lawyer and as soon as they find out you kidnapped me, you'll end up in jail!“ – Jane replied angrily.

„You still don't realize that nobody is going to find you? I made sure your yelling wasn't heard miles from here!“ – Jacob said almost proudly.

„You're lying! My mother will come for me, you bastard!“ – Jane insisted.
Jacob went out and locked the door. It was raining heavily. He was completely wet. He entered the living room to change his clothes and get some rest. Jane and Christie were trying to bandage all the wounds on Amanda's body.
Unsuccessfully – there were too many. Christie took a roll of paper with food leftovers out of her trouser pocket and handed it to Jane.

„Take it. I've already eaten. You have to regain your strength.“ – said Christie looking at Jane who was lost.
„Thank you“ – Jane short replied. „How long have you been here?“ – she asked Christie.
„He says that we have been here for a year, but I think it's been a little over a year.“ – Christie replied.
„I don't even want to imagine what you've been through...“ – Jane murmured in a slightly shaky voice.
„You can't imagine that.“ – Christie added.

By that time it was getting dark. Jane and Christie were carefully listening to the sounds coming from the outside. They only heard the rain pouring down the house and trees. They fell asleep leaning against each other.
Jacob awoke to a dull sound. He got up from the sofa in the living room in surprise and looked out of the window. It was just a blind bird crashing into the window. Jacob looked at the watch. It was already ten. He went down to the basement to check on the girls. Jane was the only one awake.

„Good morning, Jane. I hope you slept well the first night in your only home.“ – Jacob exclaimed while leaning on the door.
„Leave me alone!“ – Jane replied angrily.
„I see you want to have a party just like Amanda had. Alright, come here, you little scum!“ – he grabbed her and took her to the house.

This time he didn't want to repeat the same with Jane. Cigarette scars were no longer a pleasure to him. He has been waiting for this for years. He took the knife out of the drawer in the living room and walked with Jane toward the secret room. She resisted in vain. She knew that she couldn't escape from Jacob.

„Sit down, Jane.“ – Jacob said pointing to a chair.

When she sat down, Jacob took the rope off the ceiling and tied her arms and legs.

„Have you ever seen a play in the theater?“ – Jacob asked.
„You're crazy. Let me out of here!“ – Jane shouted.
„Yes or no, Jane? It's that simple. Yes or no?“ – Jacob repeated his question.
„Let me go, you bastard!“ – Jane gasped.
„I'll take that as a No. Now I'll show you how art is made.“ – Jacob replied and approached Jane's pale face with the knife.

He was cutting her until she was completely exhausted. When he had finished cutting her face he moved on to other parts of her body. Jane no longer had the strength to resist. Now she just kept quiet and stared blankly. Jacob wiped the knife covered in blood with an old tissue and put it in his back pocket. Then he took her to the basement. Christie and Amanda collapsed when they saw all the wounds on her body. Jacob closed the door. He heard the engine from the distance but, preoccupied with the thought of Jane, quickly forgot the sound he had heard and headed for the house. Finally, the sun was shining. The birds began to chirp again.
The sound of the engine was louder now. The car stopped at the very entrance to the house. The 22-year-old with black hair and perfect body got out of the car. He was wearing a dark blue T-shirt with a strange logo and black skinny jeans. He knocked roughly on the door. Jacob got surprised. He couldn't believe someone had found his house.

„It's probably just a stray tourist.“ – Jacob murmured.

He went to open the door. The young man stood motionless. Jacob looked at him from head to toe and then asked:

„What do you need, young man?“
„I'm not even surprised you don't recognize me, father...“ – the young man replied.
Jacob felt as if someone had poured cold water on his face. He stood there and couldn't believe his own ears.
„No, that's impossible. Maria... Maria wasn't pregnant when she left... She couldn't hide it from me.“ – Jacob thought to himself.
„Listen, young man. I don't know you and I'm sure there's some confusion here. Look, I'm not your father and I don't even know who you are.“ – Jacob tried to explain calmly.
„You don't remember being with my mother, you piece of sh*t?! You don't remember what she was going through while she was with you?! You don't remember her antidepressants?!“ – the young man shouted angrily.
„Get out of here immediately! We will talk somewhere else.“ – Jacob interrupted him, afraid he might hear the girls from the basement.
„I'm not going anywhere. You think I don't know what you're doing, father? I've been following you for months, just like you followed them. You didn't even realize I was on your heels.“ – the young man replied pretty calmly.
„Listen to me, you...“ – Jacob raised his voice trying to push him away.
„James“, the young man interrupted him, „My name is James.“
„I didn't do anything to your mother. She left me.“ – Jacob tried to justify himself.
„She left after how many years? She couldn't stand you anymore.“ – James snapped and looked toward the basement.
„Oh... so you are having fun here...“ – he smirked.
„Don't you dare go there.“ – Jacob warned him.
„And what's going to happen if I do?!“ – James snapped at him and grabbed his neck.
Jacob knew he couldn't fight someone younger. He saw that James was well built. Just the way he was when he was dating James' mother. Jacob tried to get out of his hands but failed. He kicked him in the stomach, took out the knife and approached him:

„James, don't make me do this.“ – Jacob shouted.

James stood up annoyed by the blow to the stomach, kicked the knife out of Jacob's hand and grabbed it.

„Now the roles have changed, geezer?“ – James threatened.
„Leave the knife, son...“ – Jacob said in a manipulative voice.
„Son?! You're trying to manipulate me, aren't you?!“ – James replied furiously and approached Jacob with the knife. He stabbed him in the stomach. Jacob fell to the ground. James stabbed him again. Once. Twice. Three times. He stabbed him until he was convinced he was dead. James took a tissue out of his pocket and wiped the knife. He had some of his father's traits.
„Look at yourself. You're the same as your father.“ – he remembered his mother's words. True, he was just like his father but he certainly wouldn't have fallen as easily as his father. And he certainly wouldn't be so gentle with his victims. James headed for the basement. He opened the door and looking at Jane he exclaimed:

„Good afternoon, Jane. I hope we'll get along well.“

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