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Salem Woods
My eyes blink open but I could my head pounding like crazy. I start to rub my eyes, and I wince at the pain behind my eyes. I sit up on my elbow and squint my strained eyes. I look down and I was tangled in the sheets, but when I see another pair of legs under the sheets I widen my eyes.

I look at the person next to me and I realise that he was naked too. I instantly yelp out in a startle which makes him shoot himself up and groan, rubbing his eyes. "Kade?" I stare at him.

"Yeah?" He says like it's nothing. Then he freezes and then looks at me. "Oh my god, Salem?"

"Yeah!" I exclaim and shake my head.

"Did" He rasps, looking around. I swallow, and I know I was naked which could only mean one thing.

"Are you naked?"

"No." He said.


"No I'm naked." He said and I cringe.

"Oh my god." I then go back to my pounding head. I rub my eyes and I reach over for my phone. I turn it on and I gasp loudly. "Fuck!" I screech and jump over him, putting my bra back on.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I'm so gonna be late!" I grab a hoodie. putting it on over my bra, and grab jean shorts from the floor, trying to slide those on.

"Late for what?"

"I was meant to leave nearly twenty minutes again, I'm babysitting today!" I then grab my shoes. I didn't have time to fix my hair and put mascara on, I literally had to leave now if I wanted to be a few minutes late.


"Heather!" I call, which makes her pad out the bedroom. "I'm running seriously late, can you please get rid of Kade?"

"Kade?" She was shocked. "It was Kade you fucked?"

"I know." I quickly swallow a pill. "Get rid of him please." I say. "Love you, bye!" I call before rushing out the door. I run to my car and get into it, and start the car up, not even waiting a few minutes before I start driving one handed while sliding my shoes on.

I then text Harry, telling him I would be there in 5 minutes. He didn't reply right away which lead me to believe he was slowly getting ready considering I wasn't there yet.

When I was a few minutes away, he replied back but I was pulling up at the front, getting out of my car, locking it and literally jogging to the door and I knock.

When I open it, I quickly scan Harry. He had a red button up shirt, black skinny jeans and black shoes. On his fingers, he had rings scattering across his hand, and of course his hand were veiny.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I breathe out, out of breath.

He eyes scan me next, and he widens his eyes. "Woah.." he looks at me.

"I get it, I didn't have time to get ready." I breathe.

"You obviously got lucky last night didn't you?" He crosses his arms and smirks.

"Sorry?" I furrow my brows.

"Have you seen your neck?"

My face drops, before I close my eyes and sigh. "Heather and I threw a party and I got drunk—"

"Underage drinking?"

"Shut up." I roll my eyes. "And I..woke up with my ex next to me." I say as I walk in, Darcy was watching her iPad with a bowl in front of her.

"So you fucked your ex?" He says softly so Darcy wouldn't hear.

"You think if I was sober I would?" I object.

"Wouldn't put it past me." He shrugs, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask and he just shrugs.

"Doesn't mean anything, you seem like a girl that would get back with her ex."

"I happen to not like my ex." I object, and he just shrugs.

"At least one of us can actually get lucky." He shrugs again and I shake my head.

"Don't think I'm a slut, I didn't even know, I would've said no if I was sober."

"Was he drunk too?"

"Yes." I nod. "I didn't even know about these." I cover my neck. "I don't like them."

"Have you ever had one?" He asks.

"A few.." I cross my arms. "Why?"

He shrugs, again. "I dunno, you seem like you haven't."

I just sigh. "Anyway, there's Advil in the cupboard, go crazy, I'll see you at 6." He said, grabbing his keys, phone and wallet, before kissing Darcy on the head which she then hugs him.

"Bye daddy." She waves and I smile as he walks out. I groan and put my heavy, pounding head on the table. "What wrong?"

"My head hurts.." I whine.

"Oh.." She murmurs. "Med?"

"I've already had some." I sigh, rubbing my temples.

"You late today."

"Only just, it's been a crazy morning." I whine.

"You okay?"

"Yeha..." I sigh. "I'm fine.."

I just remember last night as a blur. I remember I got home from Harrys and got dressed into a black dress, and Heather and I sat down with a drink, and then after that I just remembered people slowly piling in, and after that it is a big blur.

And then I woke up next to my ex, naked. with hickeys up my neck apparently, and I've yet to look at them. "I'll be back." I say to her and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I flick the light on and gasp.

They were pretty big hickeys, just smaller than a golf ball, but I had faint smaller ones around it too. This is what you call embarrassing, I have to walk around for a week and a half with this on my neck?

I hate hickeys and I've only ever had them from him, but my goodness did he leave a number. I've only really given him one or two and they were tiny, but he just goes for it, and it's really annoying.

We're not even together and I still get hickeys from him, of all people. I walk back with a sigh, and fall onto the table, sniffing and shaking my head. I felt like shit from how hungover I was, jesus, if I knew I was babysitting the day before I drink, it's only going to be one drink.

Heather texted me by lunch time that she finally got Kade to leave, and because I didn't remember, I also got her to ask if we used protection, and apparently we did so it crosses something of my list.

Then, I made it to the couch where Darcy and I watched a couple of Disney movies and she wen got me some water and another set of pills, which made me sleepy. She was in the other couch, playing on her iPad while watching the TV.

It wasn't u til I fell asleep, that made me feel so much relief. Sleeping off hangover days are so much easier than not.

"Salem..." I hear my name being whispered which made my eyes open barely. I the feel a soft stroke to my cheek which makes my eyes them slolwy peel open, and I first see Harry's big green ones.

"You good?"

I stretch, and I was under a blanket. "Mm, great. Just hungover." I nuzzle into the pillow. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No." He shakes his head. "I got Darcy to sleep." He whispers.

"Really?" I say with closed eyes.

"I know you have a headache."

I shrug my free shoulder. "I can help?"

I take and stretch. "Maybe." I sit up and rub my eyes.

but short but damnnn

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