Showdown at the Cranium

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Strayed arrived to the Arteria Cranium, the largest amongst and the most important Arteria facility. After a short fight with the League forces consisting of Normals and 2 Land Crab Arms Forts that guarded it, he entered it. Strayed was the last member of the ORCA Brigade, a brigade that wanted to execute the Closed Plan of Rayleonard to open a path for the humanity by diverting power from Cradles to Anti-Satellite cannons so they may fire, but without power Cradles will be forced to crash land onto surface of Earth, killing many people inside. ORCA members knew what they were doing and they weren't going to back down, Strayed especially, after the sacrifices of the other ORCA members he must do it, even if it means he has to die or be seen as a monster to whole humanity. After boosting through one of the hallways his Operator Serene Haze contacted him.

"Stand by, I'm picking up two NEXT signatures, it's Reiterpallasch and My Bliss." Serene said. He was not to surprised hear that Wynne D Fanchion is here, despite her pride as a Lynx which she demonstrated to him on of the missions he took for Interior Union, when a Lynx called Patch surrendered and begged for mercy, she deemed him unworthy of the title of Lynx and cut him down with her laser blade. She was very honorable and despised those who kill for the sake of it.

"Roger, I won't back down, I've gone too far anyway." He said with a sigh, back when he was still a rookie Lynx, he worked with Wynne D on a few missions, he respected her deeply and wished it hadn't come to this.

As he arrived to the last corridor that was connected to the last room before the console that manages the power lines of Cradles he saw a wreckage of a NEXT, it was a silver colored AALIYAH model missing its left arm and having a laser blade stab wound right at its core. The unit was equipped with two ACB-0710 back-boosters and a 07-MOONLIGHT laser blade on its right arm and bearing an emblem of two katanas and a split moon in the background. Strayed recognized the NEXT, it was Shinkai the last Lynx of Rayleonard and an exceptional CQC pilot. With a sigh Strayed put down his weapons and patted the NEXT's shoulder.

"Your sacrifice won't be forgotten." Strayed said, another more Lynx of ORCA died in a battle against The League, another more brother in arms dead. Picking up his weapons his operator contacted him.

"I hate to say this, but we must continue our mission. They're just up ahead. Target the two NEXTs: Reiterpallasch and My Bliss. You've chosen your answer. Now see it through." His black AALIYAH model bearing an emblem of a moon wih two black feathers underneath it and a bright green visor, boosted through the corridor, with 03-MOTORCOBRA machine gun in its left hand and ACACIA assault rifle in its right and OGOTO grenade launcher on its back. The unit was armed to engage the enemy at mid-range combat.

"Our guest has arrived Wynne D. Right on schedule." A dark green HILBERT model NEXT was standing in front of him on a higher ground. Soon after a brass colored LATONA model NEXT came up to the left side.

"You don't hesitate to kill for 'humanity' do you? Then lay down your own life. Like Thermidor before you." She said with hatred in her voice.

"I was hoping to meet you under different circumstances, but I guess that's just how the fate works. There's only one way Wynne D, you gotta fight for what you believe in. Let the victor be justice." he said aiming his his machine gun and assault rifle at them.

"So be it then." Was the only thing she said before she fired at him from her HI laser canon followed by a missile barrage from My Bliss, he dodged the shot and fired his machine gun to detonate the missiles before him, as he fired a shot from OGOTO at Roy, but Reiterpallasch was closing in on him with intent to cut him down using her laser blade. He quickboosted to the side as the grenade shell missed Roy as he already jumped down, however the following explosion hit his NEXT with shrapnel and damaged his PA. Strayed quickly turned his attention to Wynne D firing from his hand weapons, the fast fire rate of his guns were making good damage to her NEXT, but she quickly quickboosted backwards while firing from her laser canon, he dodged, but was hit from the laser shot to the back from My Bliss' HI laser rifle who was closing the distance while firing from his gatling gun. Strayed quickboosted forwards to My Bliss and being behind him Strayed used his quickboost to quickly turn around and fired from his grenade launcher hitting Roy, the shell hit him, severely damaging the NEXT and its Primal Armor, however before Strayed could continue his assault he was almost cut by Wynne D's laser blade who quickly closed the gap at him through the smoke cover of his own grenade launcher's explosion. Strayed quickboosted backwards while firing from his hand weapons, she quickboosted to the side while opening fire from her pulse cannon and pulse gun, while Strayed and Wynne D were in a gunfight, Roy's My Bliss opened fire from its missiles forcing Strayed and Reiterpallasch to disengage. She quickly retreated to Roy's side as they had a stand still moment.

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