Chapter 12

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(Read first chapters by the mastermind behind this amazing story)

Lucy stood in the small room, dumbfounded at what was happening. Too many thoughts were racing in her head, nearly all of which about her sweet, loving boyfriend, and it was driving her near insane. The room felt like it was spinning around her. After too many moments of silence, the figure who had slammed the door behind her finally spoke.

"I get why you're confused. You were expecting to find the favorite up in this room, and wanted to get to him using that, disguise of yours. Thankfully, he's not here."

After the figures words got to Lucy, she threw one of the rooms chairs to where the figure was standing, but was caught and set back down by the strange tentacles around her. Lucy was boiling mad at whoever this was, and said in a threatening voice;

"Where's Emmet?" She was getting into a battle ready stance, preparing to beat it out of this jerk if she needed to.

The figure, now revealed to be Queen Watevra, changed back into her best human like form, trying to put Lucy at ease. "Well, he's not here right now. He's enjoying his time with the others. They all really appreciate his company, unlike all of you Apocalypsburgers, from the sound of it."

That, is what made Lucy nearly explode. "Are you kidding me? You brainwashed my Emmet?!" She ran to attack Watevra, but not only did she dodge it, she pushed her back to the wall with a crashing thud, ringing sounds going all over her head. Watevra spoke again to Lucy, who could barely stand up again at the way she was just countered.

"Please, if I tried to brainwash him, I would've let him stay with you all. Making him feel even worse about his life, and you telling him he's nothing."

"What. Did you just say?" Lucy asked, boiling hot, ready to punch the daylights out of this person.

"You heard me, Lucy. Think about how badly you've treated Emmet for the past five years, m'kay? Think of how many people threw him around, pushed him down, or called him by such insults. And then there's you; his own Girlfriend who's supposed to love him for who he is."

Watevra's voice began to raise, getting angrier by the second. If Lucy was Emmet's Girlfriend, and Emmet was technically Watevra's creator, then that made Lucy her technical Mom.

Lucy herself, starting to get scared at what she was saying, tried again to defend the honor she thought she had.

"You don't know what you're talking about! Emmet and I love each other! I'd do anything for him! I'd doubt his captor would-"

"You mean, you'd do anything, to him."

"What? How dare yo-!"

"That's right Lucy. Who do you think you are to treat anyone, let alone such a nice guy like Emmet so poorly like that?! I can't believe he talked about you so much. Thankfully, for you at least, he's started to seem more mature. He's about to make the decision of his life, knowing he can have a happy life here, or stay with you all and treat him like dirt."

Lucy was astonished at what she was hearing. She knew in her now regained stable head that it must've been a lie, but... It was hard to believe that. Maybe this stranger, could be right? Did they, did she, break her innocent Emmet, him as a whole by saying he had to change? Is that how awful she and the rest of their friends treated him?

"N-no. You're, you're lying to me. Emmet is perfect to me. I'll admit, I should've been a better girlfriend than that, but that doesn't give you a reason to steal him from us! From me!" Lucy shouted. "You're trying to trick him! Make him think he fits in here better than with his family!"

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