The start

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Why did things end up this way?

Why does this have to happen to me?

What is even happening?!

It was like your mind was exploding. You couldn't even begin to comprehend the situation you were finding yourself in. You never even thought this would happen to you. You've seen it in movies and books, but the real thing is so much different.

Tears began filling your eyes. Everything in your body seemed to be on fire because of how tense you were. You just wanted out of this. You wanted to be home with your family. You want to live. You didn't want to die. Not yet.

You looked into the dark eyes in front of you. To the person cowardly hiding behind that stupid face mask. To the person that was pointing a gun between your eyes. This was the first time that you realized how unappreciative you were of life. You never stood still at the little things. And now you wish you'd done exactly that.

You begged. Pleaded even. Told the robber details about your life to make him sympathize with you. You did everything you could not to get shot then and there. You heard sirens in the background. The red and blue lights flashed through the windows of the shop. The man before you tensed. Police came out of their car hiding behind the car doors, guns raised. You could barely hear the shouting from the police as everything around was a blur. Before you knew it, his arm was around your neck with the gun touching the side of your head.

He screamed for his men to hurry up. To hurry up loading all the money in their bags. You felt some type of hope begin to form in you. Hope that you would be saved. Hope that at least anybody would help you. Just anyone.

You may not have noticed at the moment, but you remember feeling weird. Like there was a hollow feeling growing inside of you, only growing stronger and stronger. You were seeing stars. Your body felt wobbly and out of place. Like someone took you underwater and you were slowly drowning. Your breathing became quick and uneven. Were you even breathing at this point?

More shouting. Everything was too much. You couldn't make anything out anymore. It was all so loud and so quiet at the same time.


The bullet rushed through your head. The hollow feeling took over. You faded. You weren't there but everything still hurt. You felt cold. Everything stopped. You died.

Yet you're still breathing.

Breathing heavily, you put your arms on your knees and leaned over yourself. Running was never really your thing. Yet you're here in a park running laps. It was a pretty nice day. Not a cloud in the sky. But you honestly would rather be home or hanging out with your friends. Your dad said it was 'Good for your stamina!'. You loved your dad. But him being a cop could be annoying sometimes.

You took a moment to look around. Take in the details of your surroundings. You started doing that more often in the past couple of months. You definitely learned why it's important. And you know you aren't going to make the same mistake again.

There were a couple of people here and there, but fewer than usual. Some places haven't changed much since you came back. But the people did. When the blip was over, people were in panic. Suddenly, half of the world's population came back. People had to adapt all over again. Eventually, things were looking up again. Most people try to see and make the best out of things nowadays.

The sun was setting a little, and it shone beautifully through the trees. The birds were singing in the background and sometimes a car would pass by. Sometimes you just remember you're not the only person on Earth. And that thought makes you feel insanely guilty about your feelings. I mean, someone probably has it worse right? Sometimes you really feel like your feelings didn't matter...

One way or another - Marvel x gn! teen readerWhere stories live. Discover now