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Waking up was more demanding than usual. You were pulled out of your dream by your alarm blaring in your ears. You weren't fully conscious yet, but your arm automatically left your warm bed and slammed the button on top of your alarm. Your alarm creaked in protest but it finally stopped beeping. Your arm went limp and it dropped to the side of your bed. You huffed and turned your head towards your window where a tiny bit of the sun was creeping through your blinds. It warmed your face and you tried opening your eyes, you immediately regretted it as the light of the sun was more painful than you thought it would be.

You stirred under your covers and slowly sat up. You stared in front of you for a while, mind devoid of anything. Right, you have to get ready. You yawned and tugged your charger out of your phone, immediately turning the brightness down. Once you turned your wifi on you got a wave of messaging coming through your phone. You were in a group chat with your friends, but you were always the one that read the messages, rather than actually responding to them. You promptly ignored them and sighed as you threw the covers off of you.

You stood up and you had to wait a minute for your vision to clear out again. Gotta remind yourself sometimes not to stand up too quickly...

You threw your phone on your bed and wandered to your closet. You found a pair of jeans, but couldn't really seem to find a sweater or hoodie you liked. You glanced over to your desk, and you noticed your mom put a freshly folded pile of clothes on your chair. You smiled softly as you recognized your favorite hoodie on the bottom of the pile. You walked over and fished it out, also throwing the hoodie on your bed. You sorted out the remaining clothes from the pile and put them in your closet.

After actually getting dressed you grabbed your schoolbag after checking if you had all the right books with you. You always pack your bag for the next day after you come home, that way you don't have to stress early in the morning. You nodded to yourself and grabbed your phone. You were about to leave when you forgot to open your blinds. Sighing, you quickly walked over to your window and opened them.

Then you remembered the figure from last night. The memory was a little vague. But it's there. You stood there for a while longer. But you shook your head and went downstairs, already smelling the food your mom had prepared for you.

Coming downstairs, you saw your sister sitting on the couch who was busy with her phone. "Morning Natalie." Your sister looked up and she had a soft smile on her face. "Mornin'"

You walked past her into the kitchen, where you saw that your mom had indeed prepared a plate for you. ABBA was playing in the background, and your mom was bobbing her head to the music. "Good morning sweetie. How'd you sleep?" You sat down at the table and she put the plate in front of you. You thought about the person you saw on the rooftop, wondering if you should tell her. You decided against it though, considering you're probably just being dramatic. "I slept fine. Not much different from other nights really." Your mother nodded and started washing the pan she just used.

Somehow you could feel this was going to be an extremely long day.

Waiting and sitting on the bus has to be the most relaxing yet the most hellish thing in your daily routine. You start dissociating so heavily it's like you went from point A to point B just like that. Sometimes you wish you could skip your entire day like that and just be home again. You were pretty much on autopilot when you stepped off the bus. Music blasting through your headphones, you started walking towards the school's entrance. You actually didn't mind school all that much. You weren't the smartest kid but your grades were pretty good, and you could always finish homework within an hour. It's just the people that go there that you despise.

The teachers were not qualified for their job most of the time. They didn't respect the students as actual people. Maybe they felt superior or something, people get like that.

While you were walking, you checked your phone and messaged Oliver, asking where he was. Not even five seconds after you send it, you spotted him in the distance. Quickening your pace, you smiled as you walked over to him. "Hey Oliver!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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