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" so this is it...you're gonna break off everything we have together..."

With the lightest chuckle, Wooyoung smiled bitterly shaking his head " I wasn't one that couldn't keep up to our vows Chan.."

" Woo... I was drunk... we have a kid together you can't do this to him" Chan said rubbing Wooyoung's thigh gently

" Good God shut up!... you're so manipulative.. how can you sit there and tell me you were drunk! you weren't even supposed to be there with Felix in the first place!! it was our anniversary!" a warm hand caressed the boy's shoulder as tears glisten down his cheeks.

Wooyoung adored this man with all of his heart, and thus the attempt for him to brush it off as if it was a simple error pierced Wooyoung like a bullet. He had one job.... that was to love him....to be by his side till death do them part, but what did Wooyoung expect. He was stupid to believe that Chan wouldn't hurt him again. I guess once a cheater always a cheater. Like Chan, he detested doing this, but he knew he had to...for the sake of his son.

The idea of his child yearning his other dad as well as not being able to see him made him feel sick. He didn't want him to grow up in such a sad way, wondering who his other parent was...but Wooyoung would do anything to save them from the abuse. When he first found out he let it slide ,but to hear how nonchalant he made the second time seem was enough for Wooyoung to snap...especially when he put his hands on him claiming he was "nosy". That moment was when Wooyoung realized the person he loved was a monster, and that made him push for a divorce. After weeks of appointments and arguing back and forth over custody and etc, the day had come to finally finalize this divorce. As soon as the papers were in front of Wooyoung , he didn't hesitate to signed them because all he wanted was for this to be over.... He wanted to close that chapter of his life and to do that he needed to remain strong and keep his head straight....not fall for the lies anymore

" God how can you be so selfish!" Chan yelled slamming the pen he had down " you need me and you know it! You're nothing without me and what I gave you Wooyoung"

" me? Selfish! You know what Chan....I'm done...I'm sick of you and your treatment! It's done...you can go be a whore all you want I'm done with this! And I'll have you know I was the one that put food on the table and maintained stability...what have you done besides be locked up and gamble?" Chan scoffed at Wooyoungs words. Wooyoung was simply worn out and longed to see his child more than anything. Wooyoung didn't give a damn what Chan said to him, no matter how derogatory and toxic it was. All that mattered was that his kid wasn't caught in the crossfire...and besides His best friend and attorney stood by him for support every step of the way.

No one in the room noticed when he had grabbed Wooyoungs hand and gave it a light rub to calm him down. That one simple gesture was enough for Wooyoung to realize he was not alone and that everything would be okay. It took everything in him to control his sobbing as he signed the paperwork right then. He finally sighed everything out and stood up after acknowledging that it was finally over for them two.

" Wooyoung..."

He heard the faint whisper of his name being called after gathering his belongings. Looking up, he noticed Chan's regrettable expression.Sighing Shaking his head, Wooyoung moved in the direction of the door. Even though he could hear his name being uttered out loudly, he made his choice nevertheless. He walked slowly to his car, his head filled with doubts and his heart aching in sorrow, as the door closed softly behind him.

Finally after a while he made it to his car and entered without hesitation. His throat burned as the nauseating feeling bubbled up inside him. He wanted to scream...to cry all over again but he had to keep his cool....that didn't work one bit as a chocked sob etched out his throat. He felt like his lungs were gonna collapse on him any second with the way they squeezed. He was seconds away from flipping out but luckily if light tapping against his window snapped him back to reality.

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