Chapter 1: smart ass

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A/N: we're not gonna talk about how I switch between past and present tense. I found this in my drafts and decided. Hey I'm gonna continue writing this

Y/n pov:

I was doing my daily paper route when I saw Tiffany and some new girl. They were talking about a walkie talkie.

"Hey, Tiff! Hey, new girl," I exclaimed, stopping my bike.

"Hey, y/n. Isn't your route the other way?" she asked me.

"Yeah, but I think KJ has it covered. I also saw Mac over there...I just can't talk to her. You know?" I responded. She just nods her head.

All of a sudden we see none other than Mac fucking Coyle riding her bike towards us. We used to be friends when we were younger but then we grew apart after my parents told me to focus on school. Mac was wearing her normal outfit and boots. On her bag was the pin I gave her when we were 7.

"Yo, Tonya!" she yelled.

"Tiffany," Tiff said.

"What?" Mac questioned.

"My name is Tiffany. We delivered together last year"

"Yeah, whatever," Mac looks me up and down. "I see you got goody two shoes with you. Isn't your route away from here? I don't hell."

"Hey, Mackenzie. Also haha real mature," I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, I just saw Wally Becker and his dipshit buddies chase some paper girl down hemlock," Mac spat.

"Shit," Tiffany said. We all got on our bikes and started biking towards hemlock. "Come on, New Girl. We need backup!"

"Keep up Tiny," Mac tells the new girl.

"Oh shut up Mac. Leave her be," I spoke.

"I'm coming," Tiffany said.

---time skip---

We were walking into a tunnel and saw Wally and his friends picking on KJ.

"Hey, look, it's the Cabbage Patch Kids. Oh and I see y/n joined the loser party as well. You and Mac still hooking up?" one of them spoke up. I glanced at Mac who was already staring at me. She was fidgeting with her firework.

"Oh shut the fuck up you dick. Let KJ go and leave this area. You're stinking up the place," I yelled.

"Cool costumes, dick breath," Mac yelled them.

"What'd you just call me?" Wally asked.

"You heard me, asshole."

Wally went up in the new girl's face and yelled. Tiff yelled at him to leave her alone. Mac set off her firework towards Wally and his friends.

"Come on! Hurry up, new girl!" Tiff yelled.

"See ya, losers!" Mac screamed. While we were running out I tripped on a rock and scraped my hand.

"Ah shit," I winced. I quickly got up and ran out of the tunnel. We all got on our bikes and rode away.

---time skip---

"Whoa!" Mac exclaimed.

"Watch out," Tiff laughed, "That was amazing. Did you see Wally's face? He was pissing his pants."

"Bunch of limp dicks," Mac stated, "they have, like, two beers and they think they're so tough." I held onto the hand that got scratched and bit my lip out of pain. Mac looks towards me and asks, "Yo, you good y/n/n?"

"Yeah, just fell and scratched my fucking hand. I ran out of bandages though," I answered.

"I got some. I'll help you," she walked over and grabbed my hand. "Aw that looks disgusting."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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