○Chapter 18○

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~Y/n's POV~

I tell Aizawa about the argument with Bakugou, but not about the flash back. "I'll have a talk with Bakugou later. I just wanted to make sure that you were ok." He says gently. Then unexpectedly, he pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back. "I know this is unexpected, but I know you need it." He says softly.

I hug him back gently. "Thank you s-sensei.." I mumble, crying a little.

~a few days later~

~Bakugou's POV~

*L/n has been avoiding me since we had that dumb argument. That extra is too sensitive with shit.* I scoff. I then see Y/n down the hall with.. "Deku." I glare at them. They're laughing, smiling, getting all buddy buddy with eachother. *What does she see in him. He's just a quirkless  nobody.* I stare at Deku.

~Y/n's POV~

I feel Bakugou's eyes on me. I just ignore it and keep talking to Midoriya. "Oi extra!" I hear Bakugou call out to me, hearing his footsteps. I ignore him. Midoriya gets a bit nervous. "Don't fucking ignore me!" He yells getting closer. "L/n..I-I think m you should answer him." Midoriya mumbles nervously.

"I said don't fucking ignore me asshole!" Bakugou pushes me against the wall, glaring at me. "U-um Kacchan what are you doing?!" I hear Midoriya say from behind Bakugou. "FUCK OFF DEKU!" Midoriya runs off, probably to get help.

"B-Bakugou?" I mumble. "Shut up  short stuff. I told you not to ignore me!" He says slightly louder. "Well it's rude to interupt people when their talking." I scoff. "I said shut up fuck stick." He says, his face getting red. "Bakugou. Your face is red." I mumble.

*He's so close. I can feel his breath on me.* I can feel my face heat up. "Bakugou. Let go of L/n." I hear Aizawa's voice, making me and Bakugou look at him. Aizawa is glaring at Bakugou using his quirk. Bakugou looks at me before walking off, I'm still against the wall my face red. Both Midoriya and Aizawa look at me.

"Was he going to kiss you?" Midoriya says out of the blue. My eyes widen, my face heating up alot. "MIDORIYA THE FUCK!?" I yell, staring at him. Aizawa is standing there with a blank expression.

~After school~

I'm sitting on my bed, thinking about what happened earlier with Bakugou. I sigh. "I like Bakugou." I mumble, my face heating up. "I wanna tell him..." I sit up getting a notification on my phone.

Oi asshole


Get your ass over here.

Bitch I don't even know where you are 😑

Fucking dumbass. Where do you think I am?

The hell am I supposed to know.



Fuck you.



I make my way to Bakugou's dorm, a bit nervous. I knock on his door. "It's open." I hear him say, I open the door looking at him. "What did you want?" I walk in closing the door behind me. Bakugou stands up walking to me.

"Hello? Are you going to answer me or what?" I ask sarcastically. Bakugou then roughly pushes me against his door. I flinch slightly from the impact. I look up at him, his face inches from mine. I feel my face heat up. "Bakugou..?" I mumble not knowing what to do.

Bakugou presses his lips against mine roughly, his eyes closed. My eyes widen more, shocked. I kiss back softly, my eyes fluttering closed. Bakugou places his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He breaks the kiss looking at me.

"Be my girlfriend." He holds me close. "I-I.....yes." I mumble.

-------------------------------------------------------------635 words. Finally kissed Bakugou! Man. My hand hurt from writing 😅.
Have a great day/night/morning/afternoon/evening! Love yous🧡

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