spin the bottle

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'who wants to play spin the bottle' nick held up an empty beer bottle.

everyone gathered into a circle to play and karl pulled me along even though i told him i didn't want to want to play.

i watched as people i didn't know spun and kissed the person it landed on. karl was my only friend at school but i knew a few of the people around the circle. nick, one of the popular football players, alex, the class clown, and clay, the star football player.

nick spun and it landed on alex and suddenly my intrest was piqued. they were sitting pretty close so they got up and kissed. it went on for a little longer than it should have but no one said anything.

after a few more spins it was clay's turn and my heart sped up as he spun the bottle. it landed on karl and i really didn't want to see my best friend kiss my crush so i got up and ran outside. karl followed me after a few seconds and apologized a lot, he knew i liked clay, i told him it was okay even though it wasn't. i couldn't believe he would clay even though he knew i liked him.

we were sitting on the porch in silence when the door opend and clay came out. 'karl can we have a minute alone please' karl immediately got up and left.

clay took his place beside me 'hey' he said. i nodded in response because i couldn't talk around him without getting choked up. 'are you ok' the question surprised me so i looked at him and shrugged 'sure' i mumbled.

clay bumped me a little but i'm small so i almost fell 'are you sure' he asked again 'you seemed pretty upset when you ran out' i shrugged again 'do you like karl' i almost choked on nothing 'what!' i croaked in surprise 'karl's my best friend' i told him. he shrugged 'i know i just thought that might have been why you were upset' he replied.

i rolled my eyes 'i told you i'm not-' i stopped when he shot me a glare 'i know you're upset george' his voice was soft 'if it's not cuz you like karl then why' his green eyes were pleading.

i looked at my feet 'maybe i like you' i mumbled. 

clay smiled 'maybe i like you to' he matched my tone.

i looked at him to see if he was kidding but he looked serious 'r-really' i sputtered. he nodded and grabbed my hand 'really' he confirmed.

i felt like my world had been flipped upside down.

Author's note

sorry it took so long to get started; I kept overthinking everything lol

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