One Shot➖〰️➖✨

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Potter's eyes were on him from the moment he'd entered the room.

Draco had done a good job with his mask, and with the way his hood was hiding his hair, he was certain no one was going to recognise him. But with the way Potter was looking at him, Draco almost wasn't sure. It wasn't impossible to recognise Potter, though, he hadn't done a very good job to hide himself.

He was wearing glasses under his mask and his scar was visible. Besides, Draco would have identified those green eyes anywhere. There was a time when he'd spent a very while staring at Potter's altered face. Potter had been captured and brought to his home. They'd looked at each other, and even though he knew, Draco hadn't confirmed knowing him. Because deep down, he didn't want him to get Potter.

He knew him then, and he knew him now.

"Hi," Potter said to Draco as soon as he'd approached him.

"Hello," Draco replied calmly. He wasn't going to give him, or anyone else in the room, any hints to who he was.

"Do you want to dance?" Potter asked, and Draco was taken back by the forward question.

"I just got here," Draco said.

"I know, but you're not any of my friends, and we're supposed to be mingling with people we don't know so— why not?"

Draco pretended to think it over and nodded. "So you don't know who I am?"

Potter shook his head. "There is something familiar about you, but I've been thinking that about everyone here. I probably see you every day but thanks to your costume, I can't tell."

"Aren't you afraid everyone will think it odd you're not dancing with a girl? There are plenty of girls here." Draco looked around the room in order to avoid eye contact with Potter. He didn't want Potter to catch on to who he was.

As Draco looked around the room, he could spot Blaise immediately. Not because of his skin colour or anything, but because of the way he was holding his drink. Blaise had hurt his shoulder on the Quidditch Pitch last week, and he was standing up straighter—he didn't want anyone to know he was still hurt. Pansy was across the hall from him, and she was searching for someone…Probably Draco. She wore a satin blue mask and her hair was spelled to be red with blue streaks to match the blue in the mask. She was tapping her left foot, the thing she did when she was nervous, and she kept on getting distracted by the bloke speaking to her.

"It might as well come out to everyone now," Potter said, bringing Draco's attention back to him. "My friends already know, and if you said yes to dancing with me then that means you don't care for dancing with girls, either."

"Oh," Draco said. "About that…" Draco hadn't been in the closet, not really, but he had never been out about his sexuality, either. When his father had asked him point blank, Draco had not denied it. He fancied boys. He'd known this about him since the first time he'd held a boy's hand. It wasn't the same feeling he'd had when he'd held Pansy's hand, or rested his head in Pansy's lap. There was something missing with Pansy and even if Blaise was like a brother to him, Blaise's was a body he could press against and feel good.

And then there was Potter. Draco had known about that for a very long time. Not about Potter's sexuality, but the way his own acted up around Potter.

Draco knew he'd been quiet for too long so he opted to say something, but Potter was staring right down to Draco's lips. Glaring, really, and Draco bit his lower lip without thinking about it. He probably shouldn't have done that.

"I'm Harry," Potter said, almost distracted, and Draco laughed.

When Potter looked confused, Draco added, "Yes, I know who you are, Po—Harry." Draco gestured towards Potter's forehead.

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