Everything is Fine

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"Let's just get some information first, we'll ask Bruce. Hey Bruce!" He calls out, a pleasant chime sounding when he appears.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" bruce asks in a pleasant voice. "Oh fork, who the heck are you?" Robin asks, jumping back a bit. "I'm Bruce, the information mainframe, here in the good place," Bruce answers, a pleasant smile on his lips,


i don't do a super great job at describing the setting, so if you wanna watch the show while you read then go for it! If you don't need/want the visual, then obviously don't, but it's just what I personally do with crossovers/AU's like this.


(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"Good. Because those aren't my memories, I wasn't a lawyer. I never went to Ukraine. I hate clowns. There's been a big mistake. I'm not supposed to be here." Robin says, looking towards Finney for some sort of reassurance about something, anything.

"Wait, what?" Finney asks, mouth slightly agape.


Finney stands in front of the screen flipping through memories, choosing one where she's, supposedly, holding a toy and handing them out to kids in a tent. "Are you sure this isn't you?" Finney asks, hoping he's being punked.

"Yeah, man, I'm pretty sure I wasn't a death row lawyer who collected clown paintings and rescued orphans," Robin replies, walking back over to the couch. "They got my name right, but nothing else," He continues, "I mean, someone royally forked up," Robin chuckles, pausing after the words leave his mouth.

"Somebody forked up. Why can't I say fork?" He asks, primarily to himself. "If you're trying to curse, you can't here. I'm guessing most people don't like it, so it's prohibited," Finney takes an educated guess and Robin rolls his eyes with a 'that's bullshirt'

"So, uh, if you're not this person, then who are you?" Finney asks, silently begging the higher powers, he was recently informed don't exist, for some amount of help. "What did you do for a living?" Finney asks, elaborating on a start.

"I was in...Sales," Robin answers, a little ominous.


"So, we sell two products here, NasaPro and NosaPRO Silver," A man tells him, holding up two bottles. "We aim this at seniors," The man says, shaking one of the bottles.

"Now, you can't legally call this "medicine", because it doesn't technically work," The man tells him, and Robin nods silently along.

"Also it is technically chalk, so what you're gonna wanna do-" "You need me to lie to old people and scare them into buying fake medicine. I get it man, so which ones my desk?" Robin interrupts, looking around the more (or less depending on how you think about it?) than plain office with more cubicles than he could count.


"SO your job, was to defraud the elderly- sorry, the sick and elderly?" Finney asks, he can almost feel a stomach ache coming on. "But I was very good at it, I was the top salesperson five years running," Robin replies, pointing a finger at Finney with a smile. "See that's worse, like you get how that's worse right?"


"So, maybe, you know it's a test, maybe if you go to Michael and you tell him the truth, you'll pass the test and you get to stay?" Finney presents, eating a bit of frozen yogurt.

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