Chapter One

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I never thought that I would have all the things that I ever prayed for. For, one does not get ALL the things they want, because the would be no per pose for anything then. No character, humility, honour, chivalry. Nothing.

But, every once in a while, we do get something. Whether it be large, small, medium, we always get something. Maybe it's because God pities us, maybe it's because karma is funny, maybe it's just dumb luck.

This isn't one of those stories though.

This isn't about some girl who made a YouTube channel to be funny and ends up being a world famous comedian, this isn't about some fan who stumbles across her favourite band and POW becomes besties with them.

This story is just about a girl. A simple girl who can do a little bit of everything, and can't do just about anything. A girl who's just trying to figure out what it is she's actually supposed to do with life.

Should she pick music?



Should she be a teacher?

An accountant?

A nun perhaps?

Who knows? No one, really. This is just a girl trusting God to give her the answers that she desperately needs. To help her figure out what people are saying, why they act the way they do, and what she's supposed to do with her life.

Perhaps you think she's too young to be looking for these sorts of answers and asking such questions. But I say, perhaps she is not young enough to not ask these questions.

Life has a funny way of working out. It acts as a roller coaster, twisting and turning, never going the way you'd like.

It's important for you to know that these are factual events, yet masked with theatrics for the girls own sake. I will be changing names, and some other minor details. It is important that you try to keep an open mind while reading, because my friend is very shy and is only so willing.

As long as you give steady feed back, whether it be positive or not, my friend will gladly answer questions, and continue to share her story with you.

She would like to thank you in advance for being so kind and being willing to have this shared with you.

I will post a new chapter once a week until she gets tired of speaking or the story simply runs dry.

Again, thank you.

The Life of Lacy GrayWhere stories live. Discover now