Chapter 7 - When Blinded By Love

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Lisa initially thought that living with such a demanding and annoying man would be very tiring. However, as time went by, she realized that living with Jungkook wasn't as bad as she thought.

Although he always seemed very busy and had no free time, he always tried to abide by the rules of the house. He never stayed out overnight, always ate breakfast, and once he told her when he was going to come home late. It was an unexpected self-awareness. Even though the message was delivered by his secretary, it was still something unexpected from Jeon Jungkook.

After Lisa had counseled him at length that night, the next day a delivery car from a mall arrived, delivering a pile of towels that seemed to last for years. Although Lisa was surprised, she could still be patient about this. It seems like all the towels from the mall were brought to Lisa's house.

In fact, towels from malls in other areas were also transported to her house. The mall could have misunderstood that the towels were going to be handed out for free as a company promotion and probably wondered why they bought towels to hand out like that from an expensive mall. Anyway, as per his wish, the towels in the bathroom of the house are now neatly lined up according to their respective colors.

"How's that prince doing, Unnie?" asked Hee Won while looking at Lisa who woke up a little late as usual, had breakfast, and was now getting ready to leave the house.

"Oh, of course he's still as radiant as ever."

Lisa nodded happily at the thought of her prince. Jeon Jae Hyun sonsaengnim was almost always in the greenhouse these days. Therefore, lately Lisa has always been mesmerized by the roses in the greenhouse and also her prince every time he comes to the greenhouse.

There are rumors that her prince is a descendant of a conglomerate or that he used to be a child actor, but no one can confirm it yet. Jae Hyun, who is known for his caring, gentle, and perfect nature, is actually not only an idol among graduate students, but also undergraduate students.

Lisa also seemed to have the same taste as them. Her heart always flutters every time she sees his wide smile and his soft, low voice. It was as if she was seeing a celebrity in front of her.

"If someone is still alive and shining, it means he's an Anch. He's not a god after all."

[T/N: Anch is a person who has retired to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion, or simply a hermit.]

"Huh. Do you know why I call him a prince? Because he always shines and makes the glass in the greenhouse sparkle. So, there's no need to polish the glass."

"Is he that handsome?"

"Of course. Also, his nature is unusually good."


The only person in Lisa's 'family' who didn't know about the prince was Jungkook who always went to work on Sundays too.

Lisa immediately shut her mouth at the sight of Jungkook who was looking at her curiously. How strange. He doesn't usually look at her like that. Lisa is sure that she will only be scorned if she tells him about her prince. However, Sung Won and Hee Won, who don't understand their brother's heart, join in on the teasing.

"They said there's a prince in the greenhouse at noona's college."

"Ya! Sung Won Manobal!"


Jungkook looked at Lisa in confusion. His face seemed to be saying 'what nonsensical fairy tale is this now?'. Maybe soon Jungkook will laugh scornfully at this story. That's why Lisa didn't want to tell him this.

"That's why she goes there so diligently even on holidays."

"It's not like that. I just happened to have something to do at that place."

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