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It was past midnight and I was lying on my bed while reading a book when I heard the front door open and shortly after slam closed again. Once again it was my drunk uncle Craig who had been gone since early in the morning and been drinking whole day. I went downstairs quietly to help him to bed like I always do. when I got downstairs he was not there, I looked all around the house but I could not find anyone so I shook it off and though maybe I just hearing things.

I walked back upstairs to my room and the door was closed, then I realised that I had not closed the door before I went downstairs but I ignored it thinking that it must have been the wind since I always leave the window in my room open. I opened the door and walked in the room and my bedside lamp was off, I found this to be strange and I got scared so I put the light on and I saw my uncle laying on my bed holding the book I was reading. I immediately started to tremble.

"wha what are you doing in my room , you should go to your room you look tired come i'll help you."

I looked at him as I tried to get him to leave my room as soon as possible

"well I don't think I have to leave so soon lets chat a bit, maybe about this little book you are reading ."

"uhmm maybe another time I was actually about to go sleep."

He quickly got up from the bed with an angry looking expression and walked up to me I tried to move away from the door but he grabbed me by the waist before I could get away from him.

"Okay I'll let you off this time but next time you better let me have my fun."

He walked out of my room and I heard a few things fall as he could not hold himself up but I did not bother trying to help him.

I got back I my bed and tried to sleep but I just could not stop thinking about what he meant by what he said. Eventually I feel asleep and stopped thinking about it.


I woke up to the sound of my parents shouting at each other again like they always do I checked the time, took a shower and got ready for school. when I went downstairs for breakfast my parents were still arguing but when they saw me they stopped and I just ignored them and went on eating. when I finished eating I got up and left for school without saying anything

when I reached school my best friend Meghan was waiting for me at our class. I gave her a long hug and she asked why I looked upset.

"Well last night Craig came home drunk again like always and he somehow ended up in my room again but he said something that was really disturbing and I don't really know what he meant by it."

before I could tell her anything else Noah walked up to us and he asked about some homework and I totally forgot about that. since we had admin period on a Monday I told him we could do it together then.

I have had this stupid little crush on Noah for a whole year but he was the most arrogant boy I've ever met in my life. The only time he is nice to me is when he needs my help with something and that really the only time he actually talks to me.

Meghan winked at me and I started to blush.

Later that day while we were in class our teacher called me and Noah outside the class to talk to us about something urgent. she said that I had to study with him everyday day after or else he would fail the year and his mom said she would pay me every week for it. I quickly accepted it but Noah seemed more upset than anything I've ever seen. He stormed out of the room and ran down the hallway, I have to say he looks attractive when he's angry

The school bell rang and it was lunch. I waited for Meghan outside the class and we walked to the cafeteria. while we were walking we past the soccer boys locker room and it sounded like Noah was talking on the phone to his mother and he sounded a little too much upset about the whole studying with me thing. I heard him swearing at his mom, I walked and I tried to grab his attention and shouted at him. "Hey you can't speak to your mother like that...that's disrespectful.

I walked in so quickly that I didn't even realise that Noah was shirtless and he seemed to have his hair wet. He hung up the call and turned around to look at me. My jaw almost dropped open when he turned around.

"what was that did you say something...and by the way are you doing in here."

"uhmm no nothing I don't even know really" I said as my voice quavered.

"oh what you see seems to have left you speechless."

"....ugh no eww I just wanted to tell you that you should not talk to your mom like that its rude."

"Well its none of your business how I speak to my mother so stay out of it."

"(sigh) I honestly don't have time for your arrogancy I just wanted to teach you some respect."

with him saying that I ran out of the room. I must say I almost fainted in there when I saw him like that. I mean that was a beautiful site.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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