Anime and Fan-Fiction: Why You Should Abandon It

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From Glorify Central's site

As some who used to, unfortunately, be an anime addict, not helped by my autistic tendency of "hyper-fixation", doing things to God's glory always seemed abstract. I thought I was glorifying Him in my mere existence, more or less, which is true in part, but not entirely.

Glorifying God is something that can be done in many ways. Many profess to be able to do this through things they produce in communities such as anime fandoms, but this is, for the most part, a lost cause. In my desire to be a good role model, but also to avoid the sexually immoral temptations that come from such communities, I made the decision to abandon all anime-related content, and am in the midst of deleting almost all of the content I had from my time as an anime - or, more specifically, a specific fandom - addict. Instead, I am converting my degenerate (though not as much as one might expect - I was still a Christian, after all) accounts that simply lacked holiness and maturity into Gospel-sharing accounts - ones that might flood the feed of my previous followers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Maybe it is the fact that I am a weaker sister that contributed to my complete abandonment of this, but I believe that even trying to provide Christian content within these circles will not do much. While you may end up getting someone interested in the faith or even giving them the Gospel in an opportunity used by God to convert them, we must go back and look at the purpose of writing fan fiction in the first place. (Now, this also applies to those who have done fan art and their transition to God-glorifying art, but I will focus on my experience for the purposes of this article so that I can give more authentic advice.)

The purpose of writing fan fiction is, of course, for one to enjoy ideas that someone may have about a particular character, theory, or relationship, whether fictional or celebrity, that was not included in the canonical programme, film, presented life, or book. This does not only apply to anime and manga, but anime communities are the main propagators of such works, though this had in the mid 2010s been overtaken by a swarm of fans of certain television shows, American cartoons, pop singers, and YouTubers. At any rate, this may seem quite normal and innocent at first until you take into consideration these communities, and, even without those communities, what can happen in one's brain if one takes this too far.

When it comes to the communities, most of the things about them are already widely known due to incredibly degenerate attitudes of communities such as the BTS fangirls (Bangtan Sonyeondan (Bangtan Boys/Boy Group) is a boy band in South Korea who are known worldwide for their dancing, singing, and effeminate looks) and My Hero Academia fandom (MHA is an anime and manga about teenagers who have superpowers and go to school to learn about how to become heroes) just to mention a couple. However, I will explain in further detail things that are commonplace in any anime fandom: the encouragement of sodomy and transgenderism, especially when it comes to children; explicitly sexual themes, and enjoyment of things that are unimaginable in real life when it comes to intercourse; shunning of religious views, especially that of Christianity; rank blasphemy, as is found in a lot of anime itself; obsession with characters and "ships" (relationships between characters); enjoyment of explicit homosexual and paedophilic relations, even when one is not a perpetrator of homosexual actions oneself (a lot of the anime communities seem to renounce paedophilia, but it is found in a lot of content made by Japanese and Korean people, and young teenagers who do not know it as wrong and have consumed this content); bestiality in some cases, such as that of the Beastars fandom and any other fandoms of which the anime in question includes animals - trying to make any fan fictions where the reader is an animal or the character is human does not help, since the attractions will develop regardless when writing such horrid content; some groups encouraging or sharing stories of self-harm, and mental disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar; "inclusion" of disabilities, which means giving people with autism and the like a massive ego, seen to be above everyone else. It may not seem as bad as other media such as Love Island and things people consume in the mainstream, but the 'secretive' notion of this and the encouragement of anonymity makes it easier for such dreadful sins to grow and fill every part of the community.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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