"I still need fixing"

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Panic attack.

It felt like there was a gaping hole in his chest as he sat up frozen in bed. The images were still fresh in his mind, the images he badly wanted to forget, but knew they wouldn't be forgotten. Her magic had tampered with his mind ages ago but every time he slept it was still fresh. He needed to take his mind off this and now.


He was in the portal, but that wasn't his main concern. The avengers, his friends, were lying on the bloody stone steps. He stepped closer, his eyes trained on the slowly dying Captain America.

"Steve?" He spoke, his eyes welling up with tears.

Steve's eyes opened, his words burning into Tony's mind. "You could have saved us, why didn't you do more?" With that said, Steve's eyes fell shut.

The dream changed. He was free falling, the hulk's roar making his ears ring. The alien ship had exploded, but the portal was closing. Just as he fell through, he had woken up.


He passed by Steve at the coffee maker, managing a good morning before heading down to the lab to work on more suits. So he could always do more, he won't see that happen again. The sound of Steve's voice woke him from his train of thought.

"It's been hours Tony, you need to come up and eat something if you're gonna be down he-..." Steve said, casually walking into the lab only to see tony surrounded with plenty of suits.

"What's up with all the suits?" Steve asked curiously, his eyes looking at the suits Tony had built while in his thoughts.

"Nothing, just, for fun." Tony said weakly, looking right at Steve but seeing the one from his dream that had died right before his eyes. Steve could tell this was a lie, but he just left it, going back to what he originally came down here for.

"Well, you still need to eat Tony."

"Not now, ask again in a few hours."

Steve let out a groan, knowing Tony he'd come back soon. Something was up though, he wasn't like his usual self. Steve left the lab, heading back towards his room. Plopping onto his bed his mind was focused on Tony, who had been acting strange after the battle with Ultron. He has been avoiding everyone, giving them a pained look. I'm not the only one who has noticed either, the whole team is starting to question about him. I should go down in an hour to check up on him and get him to eat.


Tony let out a groan, JARVIS' voice ringing throughout the lab. "Steve is here sir." Obviously someone doesn't understand a few hours, it's only been one hour.

"Let him in." He said, dropping the tools in his hands onto the lab table. Steve walked in holding a tray of pancakes, sausage, and eggs.

"If you refuse to come up I thought I'd bring it down to you, considering you won't eat unless forced."

"Take it back, I'm not eating Steve." Tony said with a cold tone, not making eye contact. These dreams were getting to him, he was a hot mess again. Last time he suffered like this he lost Pepper. That thought pissed him off even more.

"I'm not taking it back. You need to eat, you didn't eat yesterday."

"I'm fine, just leave."

"I will stand here all day, I don't have any missions and neither do you."

"Steve, leave."


"If you don't leave I will."

"I'll follow you out then, just eat the food."

"You may be the super solider but you can't fly, but I can." Tony finished, ready to push past him and walk up the stone steps. Stone steps. His world seemed to fade as he took a few steps back, seeing the same bloodied stone steps. Turning around he saw one of the alien creatures. Flinching as the creature flew past he heard Steve's voice.

"You could have saved us, why didn't you do more?" Steve asked, his voice faint from the steps. Tony backed away, tripping over something only to hit the ground, snapping out of it. This was reality, not a dream. He had another attack, and now the only thing he could hear is Steve's voice repeating his name.

"Tony? Tony are you ok?" Steve repeated again, crouching beside him. He could only open his mouth, no sound coming out, so instead he grabbed Steve by the arms.

"Tony do you want me to get somebody? I need you to reply." He could imagine it, the team standing there, seeing him in his weakest state.

"Fi-Fine. Fine." He managed, his voice shaky and weak.

"What happened?" Steve asked with a concerned tone.

No reply.


No reply.

"Tony, I won't call the others down here if you tell me what happened." Steve said, his tone firm but his face filled with worry.

"Look, I'm fine." Tony said, slowly getting up on his own. "See, fine. Now since you've taken the lab and I don't think I can force you out, I'll be in my room." With his sentence finished he headed for the steps keeping the image out of his mind.

"Tony, wait." Captain said, grabbing Tony's forearm and pulling him away from the steps and a little to close to his chest, only a few inches between them. " Tell me what you saw, what is bad enough to bring the man who claims to have no heart to tears?"

"What?" Tony didn't realize his eyes were watery and that some had managed to slide down his face, not until Cap pointed it out.

"Now tell me, what happened."

Tony let out a sigh, Cap was just gonna get it out of him anyways, but that didn't mean he couldn't be angry about it. "Fine, you wanna know what's wrong? What's wrong is that I'm broken. You can all shake off the battles and walk it off, well I CANT. Every night, the same dream. You're all dead, Loki won and you were all dead on bloody stone steps. Not only that but you, you have to go and repeat the same words every night. 'You could have saved us, why didn't you do more?'. " Tony was breathing heavily at this point as he watched Steve's blank expression.

"Tony, I... " Cap started to say.

"Well, I've told you, can you at least leave me? I have more suits to build." Tony started to push past Cap, but was pulled back. He was up against his chest, his hazel eyes widened as he felt strong arms around him. He relaxed into the hug, returning it without hesitation.

"If you're broke I'll just have to fix you, won't I?" Cap whispered into his ear, making him shiver slightly at his hot breath.

"Hey Tony, SOMEBODY ate all the fo- Oh. I'll just leave you two to, uhm, continue what you're doing..." Hawkeye backed out the door, causing the two hugging to separate.

"I uhm, uhhh. Sorry about that? I'll go now." Steve said, awkwardly taking a few steps back as he found himself scratching the back of his head.

"You're not going anywhere." Tony said before pulling Steve into a kiss. He felt him tense before relaxing and returning the kiss. They broke from the kiss only for Tony to mutter a sentence before pulling cap in again.

"You can't go, I still need fixing."

I take requests, so drop some by me in the comments and I'll see if I can write something for you. c:

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